The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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ez PROPORTIONAL New Open Positions Appear Here Daily 1SINYMCA IS PROPOSED Situations Wanted Women 13 Educational The all 16 Dancinj? Teachers 2 MEMBERS ARE DISCHARGED 19thCRUSE EB 3 1923 Women Wanted 9 ASSISTANT BUYER pro 3 Aorists 6 Personals older on apeterle $250 smith nosriT AV ATLANTIC CITY NJ I 21 i ML A JJJEJtfBUlUJ Employment CITY in 8 26 Household Articles APPLICANTS i n'nxnTRE AH descriptions 42 Spruce St Walnut 2131 A Hotel Strand A Hotcl Morton granted elect rep one right for for that the peoples is hat intended service tnd oe Hne day day Ritz Carlton The Shelburne AE Marlborough BIcnheim A Chalfonte tladdon Hall AEHoielTrajntoro and the the ap the Apply PAPETERIE CO 14 5 ELECTION CITY COUNCIL DR MOTT SAYS HOPE TORRINGTON COMPANY SPRINGIELD ST CHICOPEE Atty Gen Allen Says Conduct in Jurv Room Makes urther Proceedings Useless Counter and nothing comparable to men with the living IS RUMOR BETWEEN TURKS AND BRITISH AT CHANAK CITY SNOWBOUND OR OURTH TIME THE REPUBLICAN DAILY NEWS LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY THE EDW MALLEY CO New Haven Ct highways i beginning Bill iicu in Legislature Would Give Cities Right to Change orm of Election the junior have been Rohan of Helen Row Roller Chair in on the Boar diva Ik If Horse back Hiding Motoring Dancing Mu sic Thealies Sea IT' a ter Swimming I oolr Basket ball etc of the members of the jury appeared yester justice Ilishop and spokesman Mr Rotche court that in view of i in me jury i view of actions and GIRLS YEARS OR OVER GOOD CLEAN WORK GOOD PAY Local and Private Instructors 15 DANCING studio private lessons any time pupils learn In few lessons Memorial Rida State St River 7583 Martin Kern who bought Bosch Magneto property from alien property custodian in 1917 Answering advertisem*nts are advised not to forward original recommendations Copies will do The originals can be pre sented when the interview is Majority of Jurors ind No Bills Against Pelletier and Coakley WOMEN TO SIZE AND TIE TOBACCO APPLY I AMtPlCAN SUMATRA 55 SHARON ST Granfield Noonan Granfield Bogin Steps to Contest Action of the District 18W Rwau each witb Bali Room and Bath $3 00 and up Room with two single Bedsand Bath $6 and $7 Parlor Bedroom and Beth $8 Vocal and Instrumental 17 other woman put up the bail for him which was ordered defaulted when he a in other words dis appeared from the superior court room when he got wind of the fact a jury was going to convict him of as sault with a dangerous weapon last riday He was caught the next day and sentenced to the house of correc tion for 41 years The instant his bail was defaulted District Attorney Charles I IV right and his assistant Charles Clason took steps to recover the money in volved by filing attachments in the registry of deeds returnable in superior court Granfield Noonan Granfield stat ed today that the only recourse Ma goni now has is to contest the suit of the district attorney brought to have the amount represented turned over to the county of Hampden as having been defaulted when Magoni skipped A hearing will be held on the matter at which attorneys will urge that the default ordered in the case be not executed as the defendant was quickly apprehended and the ends of justice" not defeated The case when it comes up in court promises to be an extremely interesting one Refugees Cram Vessels Leaving City ollowing Proclamation of Martial Law Hong Kong Jan 12 The Repub lican army under Sun Yat Sen presi dent of the former republic of South China is closing in around Canton today He sent word he would try to seize the city without fighting If successful he will establish another government there ollowing proclamation of martial law at Canton there has been a gen eral exodus leaving the rort are crammed with refugees The troops defending the city are said to be demoralized Auto and Mechanical Instruction 131? AUTO DRIVING and repairing on late model curs course $10 license position Spring flehl Autn School 05 Dwight bt 1 at a high rate of Mudania armis converted into a Recently It has the Turks were the direction of Chanak menacing the British posi tion from the Asiatic side The Lon don reports indicated that there had been an armed clash at that point between the British garrison and Turkish Nationalist soldiers 1 3 7 NATIONAL COR ORLEANS AND QUINCY STS ficial and Dist Atty Pelletier $250 lorida '0 lorida ahlpments direct lorida groves iat crate oranges rm trnic Miopt irasn General Association Secretary Is Optimistic in Address to BILLING Position wanted by young lady with goad experience: rapid typist Beet of references Box 163 Re publ lea Office 1 Prince George Hotel NewYorR1 In the very center of New business and social activities Metropolitan in its appointments and operation yet known best of all for its homelike quiet and for the unfailing comfort that its guests expect of it Headquarters for Marsters' Tours George Newton Manager Boston Jan ormer District Attorney Joseph Pelletier former supreme advocate of the Knights of Columbus and Daniel II Coakley dis barred attorney today were found guiltless by a special grand jury sum moned by Attorney General Allen tn weigh charges of extortion the out growth of the sensational ouster ceedings against Pelletier Suffolk countv court house thrown in an uproad the worst in the history of Boston courts when Mar tin McGuire the foreman appear ing before Judge Bishop in superior criminal court shouted: major ity found no bills against Coakley and This was immediately followed by the declaration of several jurors that they would sue persons for No one of these men would give any inkling as to the identity of the persons they intended suing or the exact nature of the alleged slanderous leinruks Word of the action of the grand jury which had been dismissed by Attorney General Allen just previous to dramatic announcement London Jan 12 Despite efforts of officials to hush it up persistent reports were circulated this after noon that "a serious bad taken place between the Turks and British at Chanak yesterday Chanak lies at the narrows of the Dardanelles It was seized by the British before tbe tice was signed and powerful fortress been reported that massing troops in SON AMY CLOSING AROUND CANTON situations Wanted Men 1" Business Announcements 7 Building Materials 20 PELLETIER ANU COAKLEY One of Defendants in Action Conection with Bosch Magneto Case modenriirMeg the the and who has been indicted by a federal grand jury on a charge that he swore falsely in applying for a was accused in the supreme court at New York yesterday of making false statements to the Gotham National bank to inluce it to lend $100000 in 1920 to the Bethlehem Motors Cor poration of which he was director and treasurer The suit was filed by the bank against Kern the Bethlehem Motors Corporation and Arthur Muprray who was director at the time the al leged false representations were made in May 1920 and who hqd just re signed as president The complaint asks the payment of $75002 which the bank has not been able to collect on the loan The complaint alleges that on iSTay the motors company applied (or the $100000 loan buL the bank pessimism 1 rtT'X' days than these Let us i prvrrcfive program is also one of faith Though 1 am mere mystified concerning Russia thai I was the last time I came to Springfield I ave unKunded confidence in that country's ultimate salvation not neglect appeals from the local association fcr help in carry ing ori the boys' work for the great decisions of the future are made in youth "There is nnnfrnntin? Christ for we need the accession of an agency that is more than human said are the peace but I think emphasis is put on the wrong syllable of the last word by most preachers It should be on men of reality and positive accomplishment shall he called sons of rejected it Shortly afterward Kern and Murray went to the bank and pleaded for the money it is charged: To induce the directors to make the Ioan they represented that the mo tors company was solvent anl ex hibited a balance sheet to prove it It Is alleged that they stated and showed by the balance sheet that the total assets as of January 31 1920 were $537ON3' and 'the liabilities exclu sive of the outstanding stock xyere only $127 836 The bank asserts that Murray ana Kern represented that these figures set forth the condition of the com pany accurately and honestly and that as a result the bank was induced to lend the money bn two 000 notes The complaint asserts that the company was not solvent at the time the representations weer made and that the liabilities were greater the assets much less than amounts represented Before notes fell due a receiver was nnlnfod fnr the coninanv and bank collected only a small part of its claim in the bankruptcy proceed The ideal American plan hotel 1 1 I Ad Place your ad if more convenient with your ncignoornooa Our Rates Include Both Papers time 1 Bc a times (consecutive) 14c a line a times (consecutive) 12c a line a Mott's address follows: "Economically the vorld is in an i ion an the bacus of future generations are bound to be bent low by the burden of economic LURK OR ORDER AND PROOLUiua Applicant must be curate at figures and possessed of tivc and tact State age qualifications and salary expected Address OH er a md Production Dept IV Box Ci 1 lorenc DRY KINDLING Delivered promptly 24 bushel WEST DIV NKW ENGLAND BOX CO LOWELL ST WEST SPRINGIELD 2 EL RIVER 3583 OR DEPARTMENT WHICH THROUGH ENLARGEMENT WILL SHORTLY BE NEW LARGEST WHITE AND COLORED WASH GOODS' SECTION SALARY $18 to $20 PER WEEK AND COMMISSION WITH ADVANCEMENT TO APPLICANT QUALIIED TO ILL THIS POSITION APPLICATIONS CON IDENTIAL WRITE AGE AND DE TAILS EXPERIENCE PRIVATE TREATMENT OR ALCO HOLIC AND DRUG ADDICTS MED ICAL DIRECTOR MARSHALL SMITH 578 NORTH MAIN ST TEL RIVER 2563 sary to prevent further evidence to this grand jury in the investigations which were in progress nor upon other matters which were to have been presented course taken by those mem bers of the jury who appeared before the court yesterday was in my opt ion the only course left open to them as self respecting men in the situa tion in which they were placed I theerfore comply with the request made of me and discharge the jury Experienced on motor truck body work DUNN CO 34 Patton St Springfield The United Hospital School of prospectus Port Cheater AME Decree of the smartest modes and styles can be properly observed on the famous Atlantic Citv Boardwalk the promenade of the world's best dressed people Nature provides a fitting background with warm blue skies and golden sunshine and soft health laden breezes bearing the murmured call of the ocean The Leading Houses are al open and comprise the finest In the World Phone Wire or Write sny of the following for In formation Booklet Rates Reservations etc WOMEN Earn $25 weekly spare time rlt Ink for newspapers megazlnes Lxp anno dm all free Pre Hjudkate 660 lime Bldg St Mo By Specially Chartered Sumptuous S'EMPRESS of formerly gerin Auguste Victoria" oil burner 21000 proas tons B' DAYS' CRUSE SU'O ami up 111 days in Egypt and Palestine bpam Athens Rome etc A It 3rd CRUISE spread rapidly in tne vicinity of the court house and lawyers and others literallv poured from nearby buildings into tlie court house It was said there was never such a throng in the building Climax of Ouster Proceedings development is the climax of an amazing series of incidents be gining when Atty Qin Allen re ferred to by President Lowell of Harvard as the of law and started ouster proceedings which eventually led to the removal from office of Dist Atty Hainan Tufts of Middlesex county II in Building January lo I Notice is hereby given that the ity eft will give a hearing at the mnnmn an cil Room Administration Bnllltng onrt Knrlnelield Monday evening January 1 1 4 4 iss xAt 1 15 1U23 to all persons inieresveu thin of 'Morris Lavene for permission to build Yiriimtnfr venue built repaired snd iipholstvre1 CoT 127 Marl I a rung 81 will all and deliver Iti vr 3 30 ACTON PEASE AUTO ACCIDENT SUIT IS SETTLED IN COURT AT ONE Lowest Rates 12c line per day 14c a Hne ver day line ner liny Contract rates upon request Count 6 words to a line 14c lines to an inch Minimum Book Charge 60c Minimum Space 2 lines Ads may start in either The Re publican or Daily News rates the same as The Republican and ally News Com bined Closing time for The Republican Is 9 for The Daily News 9 aMisclassiflcation Not Allowed USE THE TELEPHONE AK OR A WANT AD TAKER Or leave at our downtown office 377 Main Street CALL RIVER 3150 GIRL To help with light Wute work and assist la care of children al nut 4153 MAID wanted for cooking and downwstairs work River MAID (white) for general work good cook preferred River 464 HILL SECTION Bristol Drug Store 343 Wilbraham Drug Store 1081 State St Central Pharmacy 26 1 Central Highland Pharmacy 360 Bay St Arthur Leary 296 Hanco*ck St' IV O'Connell 477 State St1 O'Connell 916 It St Wheeler's Drug Stere 80 State St PARK SECTION White St Drug Store 192 White St King Co 749 Sumner Ave Leonard 298 Belmont Ave Albert Mav 803 Belmont Ave Nagle 59 Sumner Ave William Sunter cor Oakland aiid Dickinson Sts' The Pharmacy 554 Belmont Aye NORTH END SECTION Charron 236 No th Main St John Welch 510 North Main St Leonard 72 Main fat Abraham Shankman 1171 North St Sorrel Co 128 Plainfield fat WATERSHOPS SECTION James Delehanty 492 Mill St SOUTH END SECTION South End Pharmacy 807 Mnln St Winthrop Pharmacy 643 Main fat LIBERTY STREET SECTION Ruddon's Pharmacy 591 Liberty St Liberty Hights Pharmacy 809 Liberty St INDIAN ORCHARD Chenette's Pharmacy 164 Main St LONGMEADOW ord Dreg Co 487 Longmeadow St WEST SPRINGIELD West Side Drug Co 135 Main St MITTINEAGUE Clarence Smith 90 ront St kitchen TABLES 1 50 up cbalia i'J Store MulD St Machinery and tools 25 Lower Grades of School Are Closed and Rural Sections Are Practically Isolated Jan 12 The four lowern ades of the schools were closed this norning on account of the tourrn se ious snowstorm of the season A large gang of men is again clearing the treets and the trolly lines are being open ly the continual use roily plows Residents of outlying ections are practically isolated and hose who can get to the city make he journey in all sorts of make shift letghs There are more sleighs in ividence on the highways here than lave been seen in the past 10 years Many roads leading to the rural sec ions have been partially broken by he employes of the board of public vorks but it would be an impossible ask to clear them all The total cost of snow removal to late is $lSGOS While this figure is nuch larger than in preceding years vhen the same manner of work haseen undertaken it appears that econ my has been rigidly enforced The has IO: miles of highway 'o nnintain and the cost of clearance is tot to bc compared with that of otho xvliprc the st per nrv to ieai about Sinc of the snowstorms WOMEN A blgh grade cancers wishes to odd tn their Htaff few more women of oust ness ability We are in Apply 218 Bowles Building between 2o0 and 430 (Special Dhpntcli to The Daily New) YTcn 1 If bill filed on Beacon Hill is passed sv the Legislature the voters of the city 3 13 4i OL pnilglieiu WVU1U Xia VU tile ns to change their present method of' electing tnetr city cncn ana the members by proportional resentation instead The bill which is a lengthy elves every citv in the state the to change its present form of electing its legislative bodies 1 If the bill is adopted every dis gruntled group in every city would be allowed to file a petition with their city clerk which Would put the ques tion of adoption of the proportional representation plan before the voters at the city election Only 10 per cent of the voters in each city who voted for governor ht the state election would be needed io tile the petition The councilors would be elected nually under the terms of the bill no designation would be placed side their names on the ballot The usual proportional representa tion plan would be followed the yotcr marking his choices first second and third and so on down the list making as many choices as he wanted The bill is filed by Jeremiah A Desmond of Boston BARBERS WANTED AT ONOT 2 barbers for open shop App to rappler 38 Brank Row Greenfield Mass niTYR AND MANAGER Expe Brieneet for dry goods and ment in department man energetic well posted on the er ent markets and a good mere Splendid opportunity for Uply state age experience reftrencis Address Lyman Co Ine Ke wanee Iff nN st rvn tmrumw a If rehabilitation that thisgeneration is piling up tor Liieui liysicajiy tne wunu is iaiwiiia flirnup imnossible suffering More people have been killed during the past 12 months by war and disease than in any one year of the World war World In of the world is in the throes of a distemper that knows no bounds This is chiefly due to Bdl ehevism Certain aspects of this po litical doctrine challenge our admira tion and respect but 19 20ths of it should be regarded as a malignant disease and dealt witli accordingly "But in spite of this black back ground I do not share the view of the renci savant who said Europe is dying The whole world is very sick but it is not dying for new nations are being born and old nations re born The world is now in thj most plastic state in its history but soon it will become as set as the plaster on that wall The great question is what mold will the new world be Wili it be a mold of selfishness greed hatred and cynicism qr one of unselfishness love idealism and hope has thrust the Young Mens Christian association Into this trou bled world to represent the United State at its best The principles of Jesus which are the principles of the should be given the right of way in international relations Golden Rule is Lifes Best Guide of these principles is mtist obsecure nations and have possibilities Another inequalities among men are offer ouoortunities for rather than exploitation A third is that the various nations of the world are necessary to one another But the most revolutionary principles of Jesus are those of the golden rule and forgiveness of enemies These principles must be applied if the world is to be saved king dom must le made calextensive not only with the political kingdoms but the financial the industrial and the social kingdoms of the earth is time for international think ing but more than this it is time for international feeling and the ex ertion of international will power which resolutely co operates to make the work! a'Deuer piuce iu nw believe in the great guiding principles of the League of Nations but I do not believe it xvill fulfil the hopes of its friends unless the adop tion ofthese principles is preceded by an educational campaign that will supply the woeful dearth of Charac ter development of the people There is no short cut to the salva tion of the world The Young Men Christian association is committed to the task of spreading the gospel of brotherhood which shall prepare men for a League of Nations We do not need external re arangements so much as internal changes JI A Program One of Optim ism Young Christian asso ciation program is one of hope and optimism in a day of dftsjjair and IaL US xlct JIVI'U AAliN tells us time have been darker not ose our directly on the ocean front a CAPACITY 600 5 brick GARAGE CUT LOWERS rotted plants and slsns fr all orcas ons enk a Garden Hanco*ck St alnnt 47 4 Hard chi'stnut and asb lso lund Lnc wood by the bithel Walnut St Woo' Yard 'Phone 923 WOOD GREEN BIRCH also hay at barn tn Wllbrnham Geo Lyman 34 Coleman St: River WANT ADS The Republican and Daily News RATE in the City 7or 7 DATS 3 DAYS1 DAY WOOIEN WEAVERS wanted Apply at tbe Hilliard Co Buckland Ct YOUNG MAN who wants to learn Adv with or without exper The Newell Emp Serv 13R Dwicht Legal Notices CITY SPRINGIELD City Clerk's Olilce Administration Building January LI lJ is hereby given that the City Coun cil will give a hearing at tbe Common uu eil Room Administration Building Ixurl street Springfield Monday evening January 15 1923 to all parties interested in the Pt tion of Joseph Barr for permission to build a store st No 1259 North street Br order of the City Council CLIORD SMI I It Clerk 2 CITY SPRINGIELD City Clerk's oiltco "I Administration Building January 13 192o Notice is hereby given that the ity Unm et! ill give a hearing at the Common 1 1 eil Room Administration Building ourt street Sprlngiield Monday 15 1923 to all parties interested in the peti tion of Benoit lor permission to build a store mid tenements on lot No el Wiaidlawn street By order of the City Cminci CLIORD SMITH City Clerk that as a result of the machine go ing at a high rate of speed and striking a defect in the highway the accident occurred Joseph Berigan i rkci nnfl (was tne attorney rui I Ely Ely were for the defendant Men Wanted A IRST CISS SECOND HAND or card room wages $35 per week Only brat class man need apply A MALDEN KNITTING MILLS INC' 257 COMMERCIAL ST MALDEN MASS A Hotel Dennis A ilotel Brighton A fialen Hall A notel Lheisea A TL Wllleklrm A Hotel Bothwell i'Thc AE The Breakers A Seaside House A Ain nr1' ttMk European Plan Plana and waeible to al) polnUwith Yrk with through Pullman service to Atlantic Cltv Una hour frtim ITitH ein Penna or Phils A Reaar Ity three hours from New York via Centra! of or enna Local Ticket Office will furnish all information on request INDIVIDUAL and class inM zuctinn to commercial subjects on Monday and Tbirs evenings classes now forming all River 7810 Bay Path Institute TUTORING by experienced teacher He mentnry subject Walnut R373 night work has been the rule and the policy has proved a saving to the city The city will be reimbursed for about $1500 tor their share of the cost In removing snow near the roadbeds ANNUAL REPORT BUILDING INSPECTOR I Total of 197 Permits Issued and Three Refused During Year Summary Shows Westfield Jan 12 The estimated cost of buildings erected alterations and instalatlon of apparatus since the appointment of a local building in i spector as submitted by Inspector of Buildings Horace Goodwin was $1J) 763 exclusive of alterations repairs and additions to school buildings which represented a total cost of $(H050 An Interesting feature of the report is noted in the income of $356 which is $6 more than the sal ary paid in the position and the term of office did not extend over a period of one year here were 197 permits issued and three refused Appeals under the code numbered two one was sus tained and in the oher no jurisdic tion was noted In a summary of the report the inspector stated: difficult thing for a new department in municipal affairs is as I find an education of what that dspartment really means to the oily and individ ual citizens To that enJ this de partment through its inspector has thus far acted first last and all time for the city of Westfield without fear or favor General laws chapter 143 section 48 in relation to inspection of hotels also chapter 143 section 61 in relation to reports of assessors have been strictly observed and at tended to by this department Be speetfully submitted Horace Good win Three Cars of Coal Arrive Three carloads of hard coal have just been received in this city The total weight is about hu tons umc of this coal was available for the use in schools however A banquet committee consisting of James Taylor red Williams John Barnes Archie Robin son and Charles ogarty was nam ed to have charge of the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet' which will take place next month Large Total of ines The report of Clerk of Court English shows that $171CH was han dled through his office the past year the largest sum the office has ever handled This is due principally to fines paid for liquor law violations There was paid to the state $1655 to cities and towns $7151 officers' fees $227 witness' fees $475 county com mitments $36 casn for bail $6769 balance remaining $533 The city of Westfield received as Its share $669 Held for Liquor Violation John Levitsky whose place on the City View road was raided by Chief Daley and a squad of men last night pleaded not guilty in district court this morning to the charge of keep ing and exposing liquor for sale The place yielded the largest haul taken here since the prohibition law went into effect The case was continued unti Ithe 20th Peter Marachak pres ident of the Slovak Citizens' club pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault upon Andrew Gurkoski and his case was continued until the 20th A class in rench and one in in terior decoration will begin their regular schedule next week The class in rench will be held Thursday aft ernoon and the one in interior decor ation will come Wednesday night Officials of the board of public works have ascertained that a family lix tng on the outskirts of the city have connected their sanitary sewer with the surface sewer without ob taining tlie permission from the offi cials of the department The matter is now under investigation Miss Glndyb Crogan daughter of Mrs James Grogan of Jefferson street and formerly of Barre Vt in tllf Ill IHDShil'C count hospital at Leeds The funeral will be held at the home of her aunt Airs Thomas Riley of 6 Jefferson street A representative of the state in come tax division will pay another visit to this city Thursday the 25th Office hours will be from' 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 The following officers of class in the normal school named: President Helen Pittsfield vice president Rni lev of lorence: secretary cn Damon of Chesterfield treasurer Helen Doylo of Pittsfield Elections to class offices are not conducted until the scholarship standings for the members of the class are attained following the first quarter of the term Bishop Davies xvill make his annual visit to the Episcopal church Sun day night and a class of 18 xvill be confirmed The services will take place at 730 The annual meeting of the church will fake place Monday night at Atty Robert Chapin Parker will address the members of the Western Hampden Historical society Wednes day night The montly meeting of the Ilamp de i County School Superintendents association will take place in Holyoke Wednesday the former nationally known football cf lor years a power in the Knights of Co lumbus and in the Democratic party The two officials Coakley and oth er prominent Boston attorneys were accused of blackmailing wealthy men and women out of thousands of dollars It was on these charges that the two district attorneys were found guilty Statement By Allen Atty Gen Allen issued the follow ing statement this afternoon: A number special grand day before through their informed the what had transpired A vvt et cl 1 what has been said there: they were of the opinion that it would be use less for this grand jury to proceed further and that the purpose for which the grand jury' was drawn would not be fulfilled if they pro ceeded further then requested the court to discharge the special grand jury court informed them that he had no power to dismiss the grand jury but that that poxver was in vested in the chief justice of that court) and in the attorney general The request was then referred to me as attorney general Complies With Request "rom information that has come to me from both within and without the grand jury room since the grand niry was convened it has been in creasingly manifest to me that no useful purpose would 1x5 srved continuing the granu jurors longer session and that I would not be justi fled in incurring the expense neces Comfort Two Cruises de Luxe Jan 21 eb 21 to WEST INDIES 25500 Tons VlvV4 Displacement The largest newest an most luxurious ship engaged in West Inties Cruises to BERMUDA Two sail from New York brings you to coral bathing beaches warmed by a tropical sun Golf tennis fishing Tons IMspl AKAlr A A Sits Saturday No Passport Required The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co Sanderson Son Inc Ageuta 607 Boyletpn St Boston or Local Agents ENGLISH SETTER tost All whhe 1 fy Thomas ClifforJ Ludlow 7 ()I BARREL "and EN 4M se filllng Wstorman fountain pen liberal reward River 114 North Main St Mary Ewasko SKUNK MU lost on orest I'ark Car Thursday afternoon Reward kn 43 (2) lost Tues 5 and 10 Reward Phone 14 HEAVY DRY HARD WOOD Sill 1 aiso tireplace wood sawed any lengthprompt delivery anywhere in city Garage West Spfld WaL 53983 bEMl ANTHRAClTE COAL stove size Consumers Coni Co 356 Main St Room 402 A YOUNG WOMAN WANTED or stock room accounting must be quick and accur ate at figures and a good fienman wages $1150 per week with full maintenance Ap ply In person at Monson State hi spitak Palmer Mass i irst class with knowledge of bookkeeping Must be accurate and ex perienced State age and give reference Box 469 Republican Office EDUCATED WOMAN for permnnent position good chance for advancement $1400 to start Box 584 Republican offl'C Harrison Ave TOimmiAX TO MOT 4V Inc Help Malo or emale 10 NEWSPAPER INSURANCE CANVASSER experienced' either sex Salary and cun mission Write North American Accident Insurance Company Suite 18 19 Press! Il'dg Worcester Mass GENERAL HOUSEWORK girl wanted with ref ereiici Pl one Walnut 3287 General housework no laundry Ref River fS 79 irglade Ave GIRL for general housework waitress and day workers Engle Emp Agency 136 Miiln St 5171 Domestic hmp sup plied TENSION and other good tours in Europe un chr racort rate' ANK CLARK Tinns Bldg New York A WENTWORTH 12 East Court Street A CARKOLL 389 Main Street DRAMATIC Voice violin piano orffan harmony cuuraea drum coinet The Springfield Institute of Music 3 Web Street Place Walnat 1150 SPRINGIELD CONSERVATORY of MtwIc Inc all branches and theory all grades New York teacher 54 Byere St 3708 I'rom nn rnncic eb IO ROUND THE WORLD a or trwr" 18481 gross tons Claik is the only Tourist Arent who has ever run a Rouiad the World by Chartered steamer 4 MONTHS $1000 and up Including Hotels Drives Guides ees etc Mediterranean Summer Cruise fit DAV CU11SE upward bifleding ho tel drives guides fees pan led and nutnaged by Clark Leaves Tune 27 by specially chartered Vbite Star IJnvr Baltic 23 I tns lbw Atlu ns Spaib COOKS waitresses waiter bussboys and girls for pantry work: middle aged woman as housekeeper on farm Gen' Employment Agency Elm St i WORK wanted of any kind nnd two children Member of Masnnfe lodge Re Hable Bo7 451 Repub Office A13bMr4 ft WS I isv terms Ak for demonstration "reMrii nd repaired AMerson 4 Arch St 1315 Women Wanted 9 THE NEM ELL EMP Ist class billing i ilerk 13S Dwight St WAITRESSES wanted Apply Dr Saul a 1 1 1 Thompsonville Ct Good Things to Eat OOl DELICIOUS homemade food to tder special candles gifts of all kinds st oj lege and Boys' Gift Shoppe wal nut 5282 58 Main St ORANGES OR SALE Standard box oranges Standard box grapefruit 3h to 80 grape fruit 1 Ito rx it niarkvllle 1 rt A Hlanli villt' with order The Grocery Shop Bla kvilie 1 THIS Delicious full cream nut caramels 49c lb The Nuttie Goodie Shop 246 Worthington St 1 'the SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1923 CORD WOOD SAWING OUTIT for Ing to ord Inexpensive and practical Ilscon Taplln Co 59 Hillman St gasoline engine lea Uy new Ing 27 Bradford st ri8I3 CIS ENGINE 2 HOUSE POWER OR SALE WALNUT 909 WOOL' SAWING OUTIT cmnplete Sborse power: $11875 Bacon Taplin Co 53 HlPninn St MAID for general housework References quirwl Cab River 12s MAID wanted for cooking and downstairs work Tel River MOTHER'S HELPR Asslst With 2 87 Ellington St Longmeadow 3slt paTHER PDS made Into folding mat Mattress' made end remade HUN Bedding Cn 10 Harden St 30 rivBth pany CRNITfTiB i usbi MB'nd 'repairing estimate free rigb iwl urniture Co ZtVA Main Rlv 2 1 ARTIICIAL LUMBER Upson Wall Board for interior finishing It is clean light and convenient to handle easy to apply The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St BRICK Lumber doors and windows and plumbing to be sold at less than half price as we have got to move in two months Spfld Wrecking Co 123 North Main St Tel Walnut 990 CEMENT 12c at yard 15c delivered In Spfld any quantity Immediate dellv 7000 daily output machine made perfect 481 Main St Indian Orchard 'Phone 147 12 IRST CLASS cement blocks furnished i st prise Eastern States Exp Albert CapodsgU No 2 Boston Rd Ludlow I'lTY SPRINGIELD City Clerk's Office Administration Building January 3 19 3 Notice is hereby given that the City Coun cil will give a hearing at the Common Conn cil khh Administration ftulldin ourt Street Springfield Monday evening 'nirnry 15 1U23 to hII persons interested hi the tlon of The ederal Land Bank of bbringlield for permission to erect a Lank building at Nd 310 State street ogc ss cin va 1 escent nerxo ca cs Offiee 11 a Walnut rm 4O8PVr AL for confinement cases Box 332 Repuoliean Office R1VATB HOSPITAL for confinement cases Phone River Home for Jjvafids people at reasonable ra tes be erafliated laree sun Vnerlnl el'n nurses in "Hnndanee 41n5 a ern Ity cases 'Phone Hniyose si Men Wanted 8 COMPOSITOR Wanted Apply JUamoml Match Co Eloise and Paridon streets EMP DET A Set up man on Tnllllug bov 1617 in office $12 young man is 20 In grocery store supervisor for boys' cnooi HIGH GRADE SALESMAN WANTED lioruiighiy qualified to evil wholesale 'prorery and drujr trade ft Western Massachusetts ai1 New York state 'Applicant letter must state in detail rcfererces qualifications and territory covered Zk REX OOD PRODUCTS Bobton Muss MAN Miodle aired or elderly wanted as partner fur aood pfiynig proposition in city Reliable persun with little investment pie Box 459 Republican Office MEN An opportunity will be given two or or' three men of character and ambition to make good' in a bis way on the sales frce of an old and well established house Must be 25 or over well educated and of good appearance les "experience not absolntelv necessary References re quired Apply Boom 214 Worthington Bldg MECHANIC wanted familiar with building and erecting of special machinery from blue prints Only men thoroughly familiar with this line of work and competent to fake charge if necessary need apply State wages required and upon what "lass of machinery you have been connected with in application All correspondence Ktrictly confidential Write Box 472t Re publican "Office TAPER ItULR At once a man who vn run a thter beani Hirkok machine One who has some knowledge of bindery work preferred Address stating wanted and full particulars as to ability Superior Printing and Box Co Schenectady SALESMAN wanted for outside work Wbitall Radio Co 33G Bridge St SALESMAN One who is desirous of con necting with an established real estate ronccni where your future will be unlim ited Must have automobile and be aelf supporting Box 404 Republican Office SALESMEN for nursery stock honest men willing to work See Hartter 49 Dorn Walnut 519fi SALESMEN ull or part time: accident and health insurance $5 $10 and $15 annual ly also monthly policies with natural death benefit liberal compensation Na 1 tlonal Accident Society 320 Broadway New York City Established 1MS5 SALESMEN WA NTED lOfH a week men with alight knowledge of motors who can reach car owners can earn $300 week ly without making a single ale If they can also makes sales profits may reach $25000 yearly Only proposition cf its kind ever offered or full information write Henry Ilananer Tolland Mass SORTERS AND TIERS Cavanaugh State Line Agawam TAILORS WANTED in our alteration Dept Apply Mr Oliver Haynes Co WANTED A Ist class bologna frankfurt and minced ham maker good wages workshop under government Inspection Inquire Ruether Co Williamstown Maas Lock Box 713 Telephone 130 Lost and ound 5 Public Heartings COMMONAVEALTH MASSACHCSETTS Coimnission uu Technical and Higher Educa tion Hearing A public hearing on the acilities and Op portunities for Technical and Higher ETluca tion including a State University in Massa chusetts will be held In the School Board rooms City Hull Springfield Mass Jrrary 17 nt 73U ni The public Js curdially i i ed SPRINGIELD 'itv Office Notice is hereby given that the ity Room Administration Bnllhngr ct springueiu Auvukin 1923 to all perauna interested in tbe peU Sorc8 at Nos 7l b3 b5 87 Belmont avenue 'By order of CRy Oiuncll city Clerk IE L'D Announc eanen I A I I I a i Masts I I I A 1 '''J 9 AU kinds of second hand lurtber bricks doors windows maple flooring sheathing laths etc Low prices Mass Wrecking Co 161 Lyman St Tel al not 3670 Business and Office Equipment 21 DAYTON COMPUTING Elec aata ty meat and bread slleera Cruise 121 Lyman St Tel Wai 2158 or 5 65 DESKS AND One 50 In quartered oak lat Top Desk one Oak Swivel Chair: two Mahogany Chairs Snrlngfleld Office Supply Co 71 73 Worthington St Slightly used 2 1 electric driven good bargains 14 Main St Room 404 Tel River 529 NEW ADDING High grade add ing and listing machines for sale or cent Capacity one million Selling at $100 Gen oral Typewriter Exchange Inc 31u Bridge st 'Phone River 1035 NATIONAL CASH New and sccond hnnd bought and sold Supplies and repair Room 218 29 Worthington St PIE OVEN lunchroom counter offee urns cash registers white oval marble mirror etc 524 High St Holyoke SATES BOOKS loose leaf system copy man ifolds all sizes and kinds ilklns Potter Press 121 Lyman Wai 2710 SCALES Elec Choppers Coffee Mills He frigerators Meat Cases Registers utlery 1 etc I Polhenms IS Court St 2092 Ail makes rented sold and' repaired rent $250 a month $6 three mo Txiwest prices for Multlgrapblng Sackett Room 628 Mvrick Bldg River S4S3 TYPEWRITERS RENTED SOLD BOUGHT CORONA AGENCY Springfield Typewriter Exchange tne River 4851 119 Worthington St Coal and Wood 23 AMERICAN WOODYARD CO 92 Pendleton Are Curd wood sawed and delivered any part of the city stove length hard $17 Ji' soft $1400 slab wood $1100 prompt serv Ice Walnut.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.