The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

a i I CYCLE s. SLS. A per 1 bo 1 MUller contributed to Nineteenth on the Orifm of I year 1868, I i i a the bank of £93 9a 1 Tbe re- a i A nf somebody's inmKhrvlv'i a a i (laughter). THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1900. gufltatgg StMgtmremrtUs.

YOUR BAKRRH ASK AND ROGERS FOB TUB REGISTERED A. T. TRADE SELF-RAISING FLOUR, IF 2 i a a a i a Limited. A i MerctUa ntlny EORGE Mortimer i 8 0 for of fir feooiDg and building timber, fencing and pasta, piles, stakes, rails, i plating, rafters, quartering, boarding, So. Alii a tniokness.

in stock or a order. Also offsl, slabs, blocks, odds a ends. prices, a above or Ml Aldridge, manager. a mills, a Ft A I 8 SWIFT 10 to 20 Guineas. CYCLES.

ISLAN AGENTS FOB THE 80LE EDMPND WARD STREET, 10, A 60, I STREET, A A LUXURIOUS SWIFT no more a oommonplaoe WAREHOUSE THE LILLIPUTIAN A 0 8 BEOKIVKD AUTUMN GOODS. i Costumes, Costa, Skirts, Pslieses, Neoklete, Gaitere, Gloves, latest styles in a Children's Felta, Straws, a and also i to oider. i of every description. Skirts, gowns, Hosiery, Ac. a i furnished throughout.

Shawls, Cloaks, Robes, a also Gowns, Slips, Ac. Baskets a Bassinettes i i Coetupnee a to order shortest notice. A. ESTABLISHMENT, CHILDREN'S 57, I SMITH'S f)RUG STORES I M.PjB.), JAMES'S SQUARE, ST. NEWPORT.

a and most reliable firm for Prescriptions, i Drugs, Chemicals, i Artioles, a i Materials, a Medicines. SMITH CHERRY COUGH CURE Cough le SMITH'S "HEPATICA" a Liver i a Is. and 2s. per and Tonic bottle. AT SMITH'S DRUG STORES, NEWPORT.

PRICES I I A A A 1 I I Arrowroot per lb. Pride of Aberdeen" Rolled Oats, as used in London Cod Liver Oil, Hygienlol Vegetarian Restaurants, Brand, finest quality, per lib. 2d 71b. Is. lb.

Is. 3d. Glycerine, pars, per lb. Is. Borax (finest) 3d.

per lb. Quinine 5d. per dram bottle. Chloride of Lime, id. per and in bottles 4d.

and 7id. Liquorice Powder los. 14d. each, Crushed Linseed for poul- tlces, containing all the Hair Brashes froSi6d. to per 71b.

for Is. 4id. Sponges from Id Bed Cross Embroca- Dressing Combs Is. to 12s. fid.

tion. The best for Sprains, Bruiser, per bot. Chamois Leathers to 2s. each. Lie big's Extract of Meat, -jars 2ox.

4os. ls.9d. Enemas (Pure Rubber) 2s. to i 19s. 3d.

Ammonia 6d. per lb. Menthol Cones from Id. each. Chest Protectors from 6d.

to 4a 3d. each. Genuine Patent Medicines, Is. i size reduced to TIMOTHY WHITE COMPANY, (by Examination), 122, I I Also a Cowee, Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin, Carus. 30s.

Goaport, and branches throughout of a MILLIDGE'S NERVINE TONIC. i i a Relief and i a of NEURALGIA, tar ANtt I I nobility is elbowed out of i place by a new There are many as Neuralgia, aristocracy which has been created entirely on a money and general Nervous Debility, which depend entirely upon basis. Ministry, when going of office, the condition of the Nervous System, and for the cure of area tea a new batch of titled rioh men, lifted i plaints originate in an over-relaxed condition of the entire i and a commerce, wholly unscrupulous, is Nerve-force, and which must be restored to its normal Sole soope of a a noisy i of whioh condition before such painful results can be abolished. Chamberlain is a a a in MLLLIDOB'S NBRVINE TONIC quickly rebuilds the shattered nited States, i of gain devours Nerve-force, and gives enable it to throw off such maladies as above named, and contrast between rioh and poor is so a a will also fortify it against the attacks of many other troublesome ailments. MI LODGE'S NERVINE TONIC is free i none in which millions are thrown a a from all deleterious ingredients; it consists of pure and with more i indifference and conceited display.

well-accredited Drugs, and is so oompounded as to be law in all i reigns over a pro- suited to all constitutions and ages. MILLIDOE'S NKRVINR vinces, and unblushing corruption moqnta i TONIC IS not unpleasant to the taste, causes no feeling of highest plaoes and poisons all sources of national nausea other inconvenience. PRICK PER BOTTLR. POST FRXK A. MrLLTDQR.

47, High-street. I A YOU A BAD LEG? WITH WOUNDS that discharge or otherwise, perhaps Americans call skyscrapers, and sees i revelation sumrtmded with inflammation and swollen, that whan you of a genius i i passion a is big, preaai yon-finger on the inflamed part it leaves an impres costly, eodentric; nor does hesitate oompare i etenT If so under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, which, if not extracted, yot with i a i a genius 1 Actually can never recover, go on suffering until death releases was never a two more different i of you. Perhaps yonr knees are swollen, the joints being creation a never one more absolutely soul- the withthe ankles, round which the skin less a one more nobly penetrated by soul. may be discoloured or there may be wounds the disease, if allowed to continue, will deprive yon of the power to genius of I a i a masters was lotty, generous, a vised to submit to amputation; Postal Order for 2s. 6d.

to W. T. ALBEBT, 75. PABRINQ. TON STBEET, LONDON, and yon will receive a Box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS, which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Lees, House- maid's Mam, Ulcerated Joints Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands tnd Bunions.

(Registered Copyright.) FITS CURED. (From the first dose of OZEBINE flu I has cured PERM ANBNTLY the very worst cases of epilepsy when other remedy had failed. Price 4s. 6d. and 11a Post Free.

Thousands of Testimonials. Send for a Free Sample BottU, andUttit. Write 7) NICHOLL, BELFAST. PHARMACRDTICAL I PILLS ONN'S I I Sluggish Liver. ONN'S TONIC I I BiliOosneoa and Sickness.

ONN'S TONIC I I Headache. PILLS ONN'S TONIC I Indigestion. PILLS ONN'S TONIC I For Heartburn. PILLS ONN'S TONIC I Oostaveness and i TONIC I I BONN'S TONIC LIVER I TO i Or by poat from BONN BRADIKQ, I A I A CAUSERIE. A correspondent sends me an un JOHN FOBD oonsoionety humorous a or i was a sonnet Devoir.

on a read sonnet first a instance of poetioal criticism i is fine enough in all oonsoienoe. i hard marble from mountain's heart hardest i holds fast in iron gloom i a an A i daWn in bloom, a his i a likeness thenoe may a Revealed, whose hand with high funereal a Carved night, and chiselled shadow, tomb a speaks him famous graven with signs of doom I inevitably in lines a a A on some thunder-blasted i a i reoord of rebellion. a a i musio so a chord, Touohing his a darkness, how, A stars i a of midnight, may. looms likeness of soul, correspondent will observe Christian a Ford). A now correspondent A excuse if I smile.

A one who has some a of a i yon be interested in (tic un- rivalled a of a i a very deai sir, a a Riohard who died in 1858. a of i verse was was born i 1586 a Ilsington in a who Lover's Melancholy a who was to collaborate with others a gargoyles of a this one was a god I tarn a faded letter and I AMD AS TO address and a of a WORDSWOSITH. brooks, 14th long ago appreciation of by a very humble i her was of old i is a appreciation so simple add so a I must i taught a revolution-tainted she says, silent revolution of silent seasons, language of flowers, a us a in i of I is like a old pressed rose to oome aoross suoh words. A a a him laid a lay a i oool flowery a of a Smiles broke a we had ease. will teach us bow to dare.

A against fear a breast steel. will STRENGTHEN to bear who, a 1 who, will a us cloud of mortal destiny, will it a who, like him, will a i by (alas 1) LAST Century an instructive a interes- ting a on a i being seoond of series on Religions of i a Taoism, says, was founded by LAo-Ue, is believed to have lived a a 500 B.O. precise mean- ing of word is involved in obsourity. I has been variously i a i a a God, Logos, a Reason. Pro- fessor a MUUer i a a i af the word is i a or a a a i a olose analogy i Vedio concept 1 by word i a of which dtsoourssd so eloqi sntly in his i Lectunt Religion.

suggests a oonoepta a light on each other, a i us a Hooliganism which is now a i disease of a of are identical, for has on the London, and a violent a a of whioh soiled good a soil of I i other on a of i a a of our first city on oooasion of public Professor a Milller points a a although welcome to I a all doses af a Taoism originally as a noble a religion should be a i i a end of a short sentence Confucianism, i rapidly a to a a lower level, a a She beginning. because its founder, less wise in this respect a oase should of a i variety. Confucius, allowed his followers to practise black besides, a ruffian would then have something to show a a to believe in all old and a i his friends. a is meaning of word superstitions of China. Although, by a i a a tp anoient prejudices of people, Taoism soon acquired a vast hold over Chinese mind, inevitable resulting degradation of beautiful teachings has a a a retribution, and we are now told a those who profess Taoism belong to lowest a most degraded classee of society in monthly meeting of the above Board held a at the an Town-ball, i a Taoism a to Confucianism in of its a and has a great power in China both for good a for eviL religions, Professor reminds us, are home-grown Chinese I i following of a received sines: Overseers of Shanklin £230, MR.

BALFOCR Balfour's should be needlework IN THH SBNATE HOUBH, how theoretio reoon- CAMBRIDGK, oiliation will be effeotod for I mis- ADO. 2, 1900. ourrent philosophical a i i salaries £Zf Yfu. and sundry ries subject. a a in i accounts amounting to £60 a making a total payment some way or generations wiH, each in of own way, find a practical modtu viivndi ment of tbe ninth instalment to Messrs.

Ball and Sons of a a a spiritual I a a a if a £600, which would leave a balance oa this account of years benoe some leoturer, whose a a £1934 Oa 8 Brown seconded and remarked that the born, shall discourse to your suooessors in i pay meat of a guinea for hire of slides was in respect to the place on i century, i may he a will working of the Brading evening continuation note faot that, unlike i forefathers, of his i were longer disquieted by oontrover- bifes once suggested by a well-worn phrase oonfliob between Scienoe and i i NRW AND a some books and reprints ENOORK in thinking a Oliver Cromwell." Morley. i por- a i 10s. Origin of Species." Charles a i i a i a edition, 2a. 6d. net.

a i of Religion." By A a i new preface. a edition, 5s. neb. i i and a i a Mtiller. 5s.

i Havelook Ellis. 3s. 6d. i a Demooraoy." i by a Coit. 6s.

a of a a i Being some short sketches among Gnostics, mainly of first oenturiee. A contribution of Christian origins.) a 10s. History of Devil a I a of i If a of my readers have i CRITICAL patience will soon a StcDiKS BY a need, for they are ODIDA. i really study Ouida'sCriti- oal Essays will perchance oome across the following eetimate Of a and A i States. a Ouidaaska, is there internally in a to a i or to i i a old in for politioal or financial service.

a is now i a a A English social i tone and power that will a i is no other land in whioh life. Guglielmo stands Btnpefied before i innumerable newspaper offices, which, be says, every day a much a as would circumference of parth'! forgets, or ignores, a thef literary a i those journals is usually of poorest and vulgarest i and a chief a of i columns is filled by advertisem*nts. is also transfixed with a before colossal houses whioh onoe humble a sublime, never interested, always consecrated a a the skill of constructors has no other scope a a of i money, of a i world stare, of pro- ducing huge, the gross, extravagant, enormous, a labours for onljy one god, the venal Mercury of market-plaoe. cities, so vehemently extolled, with their towering construc- tions whioh hide smoke-obscured clouds and i network of electrio wires, of railways in air, a a running across each other, there is faintest spark of a divine light which is called liberty. Americans boast of i freedom, i only exists in it a abiding plaoe outside a boisterous rhetoric.

old i a i still exists in religious bigotry and persecution offioe is bought and sold justice is a matter of money private life suffers from conventionalities and social tyrannies in- numerable politioal and municipal elections are work of a caucus. A man cannot drink, or stir, or a without his neighbour knowing and judging a be even marriage is to a a a doctors to allow or disallow; whole is a a gigantic a a a vast Offioe where persecution by pen in exeoution by revolver. Saoh is Amerioan liberty. a can I a learn from suoh a model I reterenoe to above i a i be urged in oommonest fair- play a the a brood, of represent Americans.) I will noted a authoress is very kind to a or to ESTIMATB America, whom, by way, she or MR. a good deal.

must not, CHAMBBRLAIN. therefore, be a her iS leavened a reoolleotion of a i she oan let herself go like I i I first half of passing admired in Ministers who ruled very i qualities to whioh hn i la a epooh courageous, more honest, mora well- bred a present a great a calling itself Con- servative would have repulsed with a renegade Radical, however disguised in tbe domino of a Unionist. I earlier days, in thoee of Derby, of Palmereton. of Melbourne, Westminster "Would a tolerated him for a single Seesion; in times when orators quoting a a i verse were sura to be understood by either House, when olsssioal allusions were caught flying, when aocuraov and consistency were esteemed necessary in debate, the speeches of present Colonial Secretary would a been tolerable." A to a and America, FAR oan of oourse be in insignifi- TRUK canoe whioh soorn of i a consigns middle-age begins to blame, in professional experience, i nearly always a resonant excess a i which a i object a a a i is a a is a study, a fact, a entity, and a a of opinion. was, whole election upon abuse of i a when House again Disraeli's sarcasm never winged with a a a a sban a his own a with a i a a issue in plaoe of a A i a one, a I a one of thoee who i ill of bon.

for i i a satirist of this passing hoar i well taunt wearers of a coat of a oolours, Liberal a with i tales i a of national politics in lata raviling a abuae of Chamberlain. a to-day who seem WHY A to have about abeo- Suoosss? a instinctive prepossession of i is Chamber- lain, other a much younger man, i CherchllL If live they will both be i Ministers. A i is because are both a a formed for politios and a whioh a or may be a high i a I a a discussing a I a i is because tbey a politios a non-politioal or un-politaoal tail to a A a who is lead hour must precede fastest his i oontinnally asking if i is a or slow critioising its mechanism. a best of a a work with, and while is working ha, like oonjuror, must hide by bis tongue-fence (not hidden only) unnoticed work of his hands. a a i is a success because, like a is always abend of evsflta, because with a a a best instincts is first a a who has ever occupied only a offioe in Colonial offioe, whioh is a offioe of a mitigated by well- disguisedooeroion.

A if his enemies a mis- a of i him by a a i was a of Cromwellian i a i a should have been treated gently will be by revelations of rapacity, misgovernment, a public thieving a of a a a ez-Exeoa- tive, whioh will simply convince a last how well a a i a forced very oard wished to are, one a all, a for him, none a alL I you look back, all this kind of a a a levelled, in forms, of oourse, a with i of irony and impotence, against I are all considering bow we IN a honour a and ANTICIPATION. a they shall we a hope) a i Yes, a a also. I i i will a brutal HOOLIGANISM, as i a seem tothenon-flogger, a is only oare for Of minor surgery of And, G.H.RD. A I SCHOOL BOARD. Mr.

A. Wright (chairman) presided ordinary beginnSig of tbe month was £278 16s 4d. and that there £7 lis. hire of schoolroom 10a, cookery teachers'superannuation £8 13s. fee grant £49 for what'-it is of oourse I allural Bating Act £25 9s.

making a total of 2d. and a gross credit balance of £600 12s. 6d £160 13s. 9d- and lsaving a balance of £439 18s. 9d.

On the deposit account the committee recommended the pay- sidsrabljuiocr report was adopted. MONTH. The Rev. N. Lovett inquired whether it would not be desirable that for two certain months in the year nothing bnt ourrent and necessary business should be transacted a the meetings.

He was away from tbs Island during August and September, as also was Mr. Clerk said that by regulation the Board had power to adjourn over August and September. Lovett said he thought there might be a sort of standing order that no Important business should be transacted during those months, or at all events without special Chairman thought it would be very difficult to aiake an arrangement of that Dav said the Board had no option in the mattfer of finances. Lovett said he was not thinking; of financial matters, but important questions might arise, and he considered that all the members should know about Brown August is a very busy month, and we should all like to be I was decided a i the Clerk should look tbe matter up with a view of an arrangement being made in due course. APFOrcTMRN? OP CARCTAKRR.

The Board next considered a recommendation from tbe General Purposes Committee with reference to the appoint- ment of a caretaker for tbe higher grade school a San- Chairman stated that advertisem*nts were issued in tbe local papers stating the wages offered and the terms upon which the appointment would be made, and adding that as there would be a carpenter's shop in con- nection with tbe new school preference would be given to the applicant who was capable of taking care of the tools. The committee therefore supposed that the most desirable person would be a carpenter. There bad been 14 applicants, and tbe committee recommended the appointment of Mr. William Cracknel), carpenter, of Sandown, who was for years in the employ of the late Mr. James Haydsn.

He was a man of good character and tbe committee considered hitu tbe most suitable man for the poet. Tbe wages were 17s. 6d. per week, caretaker's house rent and rates free, and fuel Hay den seconded and the proposition RVRNINO CONTINUATION SCHOOL. Mr.

B. H. Nswlands reported on tbs opening of ths Mall evening continuation school. In tbe drawing class there were JO pupils, 56 In tbe geography section. 17 in the short- hand, 23 in the scienoe.

and 17 in the needlework division. There was an increase of 30 in tbe membership compared with the corresponding period of last year. This was principally due to the teaching of geography by means of lantern Brown was appointed visitor to the school during drawing class is held on Tuesdays from 6.30 to the geography class, Tuesdays from 8.6 to 9.6; shorthand, Thursday, 6 30 to 7.30; science of common things, Thursday, 7.35 to 8.35; needlework, Friday, 6.30 to a IHPROVRO ATTENDANCES. The report of ths school attendance officer showed that there was a general improvement in the attendance through- out the district, the average of percentage being five per cent, above that of the corresponding month of a year. Tbe number of scholars on ths books was 1542, In averaA attendance 1337-6, percentage 87.

for ponding month last year were 1490, tively. Tbe highest percentage the Mall school The Board then went into oommittee. BRADING. PARISH a a general i of this was held on a evening last. A 7 o'clock a 26 members a to a substantial tea, i provided by Viuar (the R.D.& i of Club, who presided, a i also being preeent, a whioh busi- ness of evening wks proceeded with.

Vioar took obair, and Munson, seoretaty, a i read i of last meeting, a i a a in feeling on lues bad sustained by a of Bullock, who was always a most active member of oommittee, a expressed a all felt i his widow and children. Viosg regretted abeenoe of Riddiok through illness, was glad to a a a on high-toad to reoovery. i a i been confirmed, secretary produced accounts, whioh showed a balanoe of 1 9s. in a Seymour, who Stated a be gone accounts, proposed a balanoe-eheet be adopted, and George Wheeler having seoonded same, motion was unani- mously agreed to. Vioar said a were to a for his kind subscription of £10, to Lord A1 vers tone his subscription of 2 a to all other subscribers, as i i a i Club could exist.

Cox proposed a seconded a a of a should be sent to eaoh subscriber, which was agreed to. proposed a Hillier should elected to serve on th6 oommittee in place of lata Mr. Bullook, and Vioar seoonded motion, whioh a unanimously carried. a i a proposed a vote of a a MrsL for care tbey had a of i a year and a well seoonded same, which acknowledged in a well-ohoaen words. details i respect purchase of newspapers, were discussed, a Cox proposed a vote of a to Vioar fog all a done Tor Club, whioh was seconded by oarried with a enthusiasm.

Vioar, in acknowledging vote, said how pleased always a to of and oongratu- latad on a i a balanoe on i side. NEWCHURCH SCHOOL BOARD. An ordinary meeting of the Newchnreh School Board was held in the Hoard-mo in tbe Wroxall Schools on Wednes- day afternoon. There were present the Chairman (Mr. T.

P. i (vice-chairman), AllenTw. A Kent, and W. THR ATTENDANCE RXTl'RNS. The Clerk (Mr.

B. Dannatt) read tbe attendance returns Tuesday evening by a a C. Fox, for the weeks ending October 26th as follow Wroxall who said a before memory of good ok! a on register 134, in average attendance 124' 1, and customs should a bean entirely obliterated i peroentage of average attendance 98-6; Wroxall had occurred to him a a a short a on 37 8. Newcherch 816, 8 6 6 Newchnroto i i of our old cottages and smaller farm-bouses 311, 798. Alters tone (Newohurch children 71, 88-7.

The summary of attendances for October migMfe be an interesting oita. of 2 was read as under: Number on i 317, in average atten- onoe knew were perhaps now a dance 281-7, percentage average attendance As com- ohimney corner and ingle-nook where cottar's pared with October, 189B, the foregoing figures show a family foregathered a toil of a rush- decrease of 23 on registers, a decrease of 2067 in average bottomed ohsir and tbe settle, all had vanished, giving attendance, and a decrease ef 0-1 on peroentage of average way the hideous tiled a grata, I FOR PAYMENT. to £49 12s. ad. and other outstanding in in detail i a dozen of a a a a a for payment.

AND EXPENDITURE. The Clerk read an estimate of receipts and expenditure for tbe ensuing half-year, which bad been prepared. te. was reported mounted £180 lis. lid.

and jtbe I expenditure to i a marry- 3d. was its amonntma TbQitimate ostate amounted £594 6d. I was advised that precepts amounting £360 be levied oa the rating THR BT-LAWS. brought up for aittee of Board having made in several convenience a neatness and broad honest Hsnjoy- alterations in tbe Board's by-laws, they werA a short discussion, Mr. kitchen of a English i growing? And ask matter of faot it has in thousands and Mr.

Allen seoonded that the by-laws be on to say a had a very vivid recollection of a 0 1 adopted as PURL FOR THE WINTER. The Clerk reported that be bad asked for ten4jin for the a was tanantod by a old ooupls whose large a i supply of fuel during tbs winter months, but onlF two had in bis i a otd for dotneeito service. been received. The tenders were opened and read. Mseers.

old fiaan a been a notorious snragglsr and Flux aad Boas offered to supply oosJ and ooketo be detttsrsd i eokeai or Wt wood aad Is. 8d. per ewt. Flux's tender be I It was Flnx merry-makings, were i loot in oblivion of a would they now find sooh a picture a a i a in words by a prince of proas writers, a old a i I i a picture of typical old a i eottage, now long rased misapprehension a has arisen a Drayton. Mr.

Stainer was a millionaire a to ground, which a i his father's- a i a a i of wheat, we may explain a well-known philanthropist, and was very fond of poacher, a Mr. proceeded give interesting and otover of i floe old of a a home, i i Mr. 3. Francis wrote Miss Allen, and Miss Bertha Ford be appointed teachers a a old oonple'a domestic of which the tbe evening continuation F. Linington 2 pro- a a goodly assortment, a i in that Mr.

Francis and the three i be appointed, Mr. Francis on the before and the teachers a a salary of 2s. 6d. a (Nowehurch) wrote vices of himself aad Mrs. Clarice fcr the Joint salary of mag, and whioh a as oontents of a task to Iwvs to back on our published i a or i 1901, simplest, and for- 7a Clarke's offer was accepted- HAD A POSITION AT ETDR.

Miss Florence ScovsB wrote resigning her appointment house a oottage. a especially generally however, be a of legitimacy of the under the Board, as she had obtained another under the a of sea, a i a being a a mfsanooe a provided land receive in a oourse of a in ways. A watch may a Ryde Scbool a We are very pleased to find a Miss Sco veil has a better Clerk a a i si a a a sea-ports, a were a a a of home manures derived from of an of meteors seen in a said that Mr. a had been asked If be-could temporarily fill the vacancy, and he a dons so. I BOARD.

fHOL'OHT IT IMPOSSIBLE. Miss Allen wrote asking for an lncreass of salary. In tbe gave a son or to calling of sea. of oonL event of tbe Board being unable to grant the same she of a i a a pottery, tendered her resignStloiber three Ffcancis strongly recommending Miss Allen's i i a a of tbe Board. i a Allen's loss would be felt by the ton fighting for supremacy of a i on Flux said tbe Boasd would like to congratulate dftias Allen on bar recent success in passing ber examination sea a land, a national, a rlntasstin oorn stood maoh for scrutinising.

fd In gaining snch a satisfactory position on tbs oertlfl- i all prodaoed i pottery, and, a a well- of minerals, phosphate, a a potefth quality list, also te thank her for ber servtcee in the paft. He ooUeotor a a it, history of a of the grain was certainly improved by the mineral not think tbe Board would be doing their duty In giving oountry is indelibly i in our domestio pes Allen ths advance sbs wished. She was a more valu- foil owing lines copied off a old a fjoerd to take young beginners into their service with a view to their gaining experience. To pay Miss Allen a higher salary would be to do ber harm instead of good tbey would he endeavouring to keep ber from a mora lucrative situation. piece of silver lustre in particular, a oannot oonvey a a a idea a all of Anybody oould a and, his word being Flux proposed that tbe Board very reluctantly accept a tea-pot, was never used on a occasions.

a extraordinary difference in appearance to the eye Miss Allen's resignation, as they could not see their way to lustre onoe oommon ware of give her the increased salary shs earned Mr. F. Linington oottage, and beautiful i a prices had gone a harvest i plota having mineral i a of window. day he. was seconded, aad it was Allen sat oat during the EAST COWES DISTRICT COUNCIL.

A meeting of this Council was held a tbe Town-ball on a a a hideous lacquered things Tueeday evening, when tbe Chairman (Mr. W. Beed) pre- sided, and there were also present Capt. Sir Win. B.

Gold- a to-day as i a dresser of old a oontreat to rest of field as thoee who saw smith, B.N., and Msssrs. Groves, C.C., G. Moody, D. James, P. W.

Harvey, aad B. Board. THE DEATH OP PRINCE CHRISTIAN i Christian of flBhlsswlg- Christian Groves seoonded tbe proposition, differed a little olsssoottage. plota was only 561b. to bushel." which was carried by the members standing.

THR NUISANCE ON PORRSHORR. A letter was read from the Local Government Board tion open fire-plaoe, i its oob-irons, a i i of A a referring to the nuisance the accumulation of flagged floor, oaken baana, blackened i a a i A mineral manures alone were sea-weed or sewage on the foreshore and inquiring whether smoke of generations, a i same. i proved to good, one i be led con- the Council had reeelvsd any reply to the letter had wash a boarded floors a deetroyed muoh of addressed to the Board of Trade oa tbe Clerk characteristic a of thoee interesting old places. clusion a whole of increase when mineral on Tueeday, before i a i and a oommon (Mr A. Damaat) said be bad replied that the Council bad not heard from the Board of Trade.

I might be as well to fire-grates a i had a I is clear, however, a this is jury, an action was tried, v. a i write to Board moved that the Clerk send the Board of Trade a copy of tbe communication received from fine old flrs baoks, whioh were now exceedingly the Local Covernmeat Board. That might wake them up. and wood window a a replaced old James thought tbe Council would be wise i waiting mullioned i flavour of a i i had gone. two, a i way, rationale of the proper which plaintiff claimed a was entitled for a reply from the Board of Trade, to whom tbey him endeavour, however, to oarry i a i of a a a cereals is brought Sending in a coupon with names of the i i already written Board said tbey must do some- back kitchen of a old farm-house a i a i i is elucidated by Sir thing in view of the Local Govern Board's some 60 or 70 years since, when a and labourer Chairman said bs thought the Board of Trade might have fed in off oommon table.

Over in a nitrogenous manures alone give a a a found a another reminder, and he seoonded Mr. Board's proposition, mantel-shelf was generally be found a a wooden more a minerals alone, a i of two added a reoommendation a legislation should which was oarried. PUBLIC LIOHTINO. The agreement with tbs Bast Co wee Gas Company as back to a flint look, when long lighting ths public lamps was sealed. SATIB FACTORY.

In reply to tbe Council's letter to overcrowding of ferry- being a in A oh) black oak boata, the Isle of Wight Steam-packer Company, through oarved panelled settle, tboee i of village car- take IS loat a in saleable pro- aaing to receive money on a i or their secretary, Mr. Burnett, forwasaed copy of a stood on one i of great open fire-plaoe, a i I a a a i of benefits promises pay money a on contingencies letter received by their sub-manager at Cowee (Mr. Sum- mers) from thslr boatman sxplaining ths cause of the boat, a shelter oold winter blasts a whistled mineiml oonstitaenta be overlooked." i relating horse races. in one case only, being overcrowded. Steps would be taken a eddied round room.

I of the queetion of a i a i is very ably summed guilty. Counsel for the prosecution explained to prevent It in copy of tbe letter received by kitchen or hall a heavy substantial oak gate-legged by Professor Somerville I a of a in which prize competitions in connection i Mr. Hummers from the boatman (K. Cushen) was to the table stood, on either side of whioh were ranged effect that on tbe occasion in queetion the bridge had for labourers. Latter, when master and a no i on a a big dressing of a for medium of the newspaper Sporting Luck.

Counsel broken down and one of the boats conveying passsngsrs longer fed in oommon, these were relegated root crop to a i a i i i of land through- across became overcrowded through a rush of workmen who were anxious to get across. I was impossible to keep them scullery or out-house, and chairs, both rush a wood to on i applications. i material facts, in view of decision of back and one man fsll overboard. I was proposed to pre- took i plaoe. A oak oupboard, i not, however, show a should be sparing in Queen's Bench Division in case a v.

vent this in fqture by keeping the boat further off from the panelled door, was an i a article of i land when passengers were being taken en and was eaually valued with oak dresser, members of tbe Conned thought these cdmmunieetloas a a i of a fine a oolour and polish whioh a i a i crop, i does show opinion of of Crown Cases Reserved. satisfactory. A SEWERAGE DIFFICULTY. Mr. Cook wrote stating that a the house which was school were who could display on i orops." i view by Professor i i directed the' a verdict.of guilty, being built for him In Minerva-road he bad to get a drain of about JOOft.

length through his own property, but tbe public sewer wss about 50ft. off, in the adjacent garden, the owner of whieb would not grant him permission to open tbe back to all ages, for a exoeedingly i i find potassio a have given in a season the if called on. ground unless hs would sign an agreement and pay heavy bad been reoorded in i i of a genuine most a i returns in a crop, a i compensation, which ho did not fsel disposed to do. He a a would now to therefore asked the Council to carry the public sewsr within fix a of old nursery i i to nearly 1 acre of a profit. a 100ft.

of his property, in accordance with the terms of ths Picked a peck of oorns in a a most profitable a a oats. a Public Health Chairman said the General Pur- I Shakespeare's i i was oonsidered a ooeUy luxury, more oertain, and more profitable increases of crop Scotland and of i i a poses Committee had bad Lb is communication under con- sideration, Mid thought it should oome before tbe fitting pnly tables of wealthy. comtxnatKm with phosphatio and potassio manures. aot of union between churches. whole tbe proposition of Sir W.

Goldsmith tbe he believed, still existed with other a a a a prodnoed a large increase of crop, i i a the union was unani- Council decided to oonsider the letter in oommittee. RARLY CLOSING ADVOCATED. Miss Felt ham wrote that she would like to tbe purposes of service had given plaoe to less oostly beans, to be followed by wheat, a i is minority a protest was read, and minority a Town-ball on a date early in December for a performance china. a indeed now by her scholars in aid of tbe National-schools, to be followed by a soiree, dosing at 4 o'clock tbe next morning. found, a Tbe Council's terms were Goldsmith re- old houses possessed one or in ordinary a for beans.

A ring, however, i of and i i a marked that as this was for tbs National-tcbqols and to and old leather had had i a soil poor in lime, basio slag has produced of Sootand was formally accomplished on help la the education of the children of tbe Inhabitants generally of East Cowee, hs moved that the hall might be a i be reckoned with past. doubtless a yield of both orops; this flefd value of of the ruling bodies of both Churchee marched in pro- let on easy same as last Sheath, the old a rate collector, in reply to a question, said the hail was let for 30s. dh tbe last occasion, but tbe usual terms would be James said be wonld move that the hall be closed use of a or Blaok a aooord- a at 1 o'clock. He did not think It should remain open after i a a of i a a ore, single nourishing materials, on a food composed nation of i Church of Scotland. that W.

Goldsmith said he would leave that an open qnestion, as to tbe Bbard seconded Sir W. lea to on i a of nourishing materials, a every single constituent and delivered a address. Goldsmith's Moody said 4 o'clock seemed i use i of i boots" of this food is only effective when rest are avail- rather Board That is the usual thne for soirees. (laughter). smaller a bottles called able i oonjunotion with i I is unnecessary a Moody said be did not think ths education of the Jills, benoe probably they a i of i a arid and potash required town would be benefited much by the hall being open till a a i went bill." largest Black for a i a crop should be exaotly measured 4 o'clock in the a They made such a good thing out of the selrtie on tbe last occasion that they a of waa in Salisbury i to it.

practical a who manages his farm with charged a Bow-street Polioe-oourt, London, on are going to try Moody: I am one of those a 24 inobes high and was a 1646. A a intelligence, an exoess of phosphoric aoid and a a i a i to steal from a letter-box who are rather doubtful as to the good made oat of the interesting referenoe to loving-oup, of oompara- a i soirtfe last Board said be spoke from tbe money tively a date, and so a of fellow- evidenos wo a positively dedboe oertain facts and a Buoknill-street, Drury-lane. point of Moody said he did not see why tbey i a joviality of time, said a others. a a i a a proven faot a a nee said a a about 9o'olook on i a evening should not get £2 for the ball if it was to be open all mgbt. a a i was a in both ooming a crop would, any circum- he, i i a watched the men.

loitering W. Goldsmith pointed out tbat hitherto when the hall had been let to residents of East Cowss it had been cus- coloured a brown ware. Collectors had beware stances, a benefited by a a dressing tion of Messrs. Spiers and Morton, and a a tomary to make a alight reduction in the of imitations, for produced by of a oomplete manure, say, a owt. of basio slag (vide letter-box.

being arrested a searched one Moody would be pleased to let the hall a a reduced rate, A i old Toby i his three-oorned a i a a owt. of a i i this a but he objected to tbe late hour, particularly If it was to be was a rarity. Diokens, in a a a a be followed owt. of i a of soda in tbe of was found to have in his a aljring i a repetition of the last soiree. From what be heard of that a i a ask Dolly i a neoessary.

may assume i a attached, having adhesive It was not vsnr Groves asksd if the pro- ceeds of tbe eoirtfe wonld go towards ths National-scbool a a said be derived Phil- is a faot a a small portion of last for 5 0 and for £6-4whioh said tbey Chairman then pot, a i old soul, e'er a a or i rot half as maoh a a i having obtained a letter-box i put the proposition, which was carried. NO COMPLAINT TO MSRR. A letter was read from tbe Cuckfield Urban District proportions, a a i Council with the object of securing tbe support of tbe ale or Council as to oomplaiuts of unpunctuality and other matters to be thoagL on the line of tbe Brighton and Soutb-Coast Bail table, a less fragile i i horns, whiob W. Goldsmith obasrred that as to punctuality he could give a i a decorated, have been in daily use. a good report, for when he came down from town ths other old farm-bouse, i a a exception, oould day tbe train was one or two minutes before tbe Harvey: I move tbat the Clerk write aad inform them that a linen obest or a of good old English because all evidenoe before us indicates i to bishops now awaiting seats in the of tbe Council bavs next business wss THANKS.

Mr. A Richardson wrote thanking tbe Technical Educa- had superseded linen cheat, a a decorative we are considerably impressed by general bearing (1897), Bangor (1899j, Liverpool (1900), land, tion Committee for their grant of £8 to the local branch of a of old a a had been a of following observation a by i appointed, Exeter; Only 24 bishops may sit in tbe St. John Ambulance Association ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Ths General Purposes Oommittee reported that they had a repeatedly seen them. used.

considered tbe question of the proposed Blectric-llghtlng most of those substantial old artioles of i a a is, readily available fertility to others have to await their and Order and recommended tbat the Council should not pro- evidenoed a a similarity of design, a i would recent so rapidly exhausted as according to seniority of oonsecratioh. poss to offer any opposition. The surveyor had been autho- a a certain seta of designs were oommon by i i on i by a rised to tarn the a off from 8 o'clock till 4 until of all Mid a a i a to report was adopted, on tbe motion of Sir W. genius of i a a Goldsmith. WATER-SUPPLY.

The surysvor (Mr. A. Winder) read bis fortnightly report. With regard to the water-supply, tbe depth in tbe bottle, and, proceeding, said fine a not, as a Field. morning was 4ft.

small reservoir a a be supposed in distriota, a a of a Twemlow, of Peatswood, near help was available, Churoh 3ft. 7ln, and Victoria-grove well 9ft. Tbe number of gallons leading a in internal deooration of old farm- a a a laid down to a pas- Missionary Society's missionaries rose to occasion. reverted to. I was hoped by the means taken to economise of a and his i in those a i iogly, in i of last a it was ploughed to carry on a faipine relief the water that tbey would be able te bold their own even it little brass frames, a silhouette in blaok.

tooehsd a sown i a i i was repeated of these, i the and Mrs. A. a no further rain for a week or two. The Surrey or i gold a i a i you a i by those i year, when, a surprise of bailiff, who a been i i i from the beginning, added that oa the previous day the water in the small reeer- clever i i a a i who travelled a i fair. field found be practically covered with a worked on till broke in a voir was lowered to lit.

so Sinnicks might go If good a had a roving son away a sea, probably down and examine the valve and see if It was leaky. He a wool i a of bis i in a sail occupied, a fine orop of i clover? A harvest obis workers were forthcoming, of whom a a found there was no Isak. Ths water since then had risen to 2ft, 61n. Messrs. Brading had made an application for a a position over gun rack.

a a a a a preeent tithe, we are told, i preeents an instalment of £100 on their W. Goldsmith love for wool piotures and regretted lost a a exoellent pasture. a is with Borderers, who got leave his i a mo Ted COUNCIL'S SEAL. The seal of tbe Council was then affixed to ths new rates feesiop of a above all reminiscent 1 i lem. aad to the mortgage with tbe Public Works Loan Commis- days when wooden walls of Old a sioners for a loan of £889 for works of sewerpge aad street her oommeroe and sustained her prestige.

A agitation against of i a blaok and gilt frames, silent evidence Of a in Rangoon, a a a result of i whioh were a i i a ia question of influence by succeeded in beating all British reoords by covering suioidei of one of them, has resulted in a taught a i seminaries of the a dust, instance, is a vigorous 40 miles 235 a i a hour, a a i order forbidding elm of ffirls in i a a of embroidery a i enoourhger of i question of a is track a capacity in a a i his ortliss on board a a beautiful a bore silent i Mildura, hoisted British flag oh islands of were tbey to-day, i all i a Madgaia, A i a a Savage? Difficulties were i School Boards, i i a i i a a last mentioned, a negotia- whioh a a to i to a oabin, tions were entirely suooessful, i a i a fine" a a tendenoy a a i there, a in islands, ifbanimonsly requested possess was of several sai annexation. islands are i a offer a a i oonoluskm, described ic speot of a increase of Mads. FURNISHING COTTAGES ANfli FARM-HOUSES. A reoorded a very exoellent a on furnishing of old oountry cottages a smaller farm-bouses" waa given a sooial meeting Class on of a i Amerioan-tfloth-oovared obair, and a a a ore sofa purchased a a universal provtdsr's solatium for impaired digestions, or i (luaktavl OLD COUNTRY SHALL WHEAT I BE MAINTAINED IN ENGLAND? A IL A a above hesdi ling. a in to an end as a voluntary organisation and a week's a queetion Shall wheat produc- a a hospital buildiogs Daelfontein will ion maintained solatium for impaired digestions, or i a a i in a i if a of the poblio schools the of A log longer burned on hearth, and those old makings, msskings, a i chairs on i i in well sooured round three-legged table, rnsh-bottomsd a a UtaU gratat in a i notion i a weird, screeching noise.

I almost abatis, a a deal dresser with brass-handled drawers a arisen a nitaugnu was a and only last of squire's life the whole flock of and hooks. only a objoot i hii a a a a a i him a old a surprise or toad a i a a i i faUaqy speedily exploded itself, much inside of model of a toad a a crawling a a or words. a nearly 60 yearn ago on inexperienced observer moet useful, observation castle a was found in almost a soma i in Norfolk, and said can- a will be a of counting. a of doubtless a and land by sailor lads a thoee parts, for a very villages domestio in a all a ore prolifio a i a a It a a s' Nelson struok i a being singularly a i a This Is a good world to lire In, To lend or to spend or to give a own. Bat to beg or to borrow, or to get a man's I is such a world as asver was known.

a seldom found a pieoe a to i original manures. whole of rest of plots under use. Old brass candlesticks were familiar alL i i a single exoeption, were very and i day was impossible. was took a a i of shapes, a ware a i a a indeed in oolour, were very faint, a in some seen in his garden a i discarded a a for a shelves of a earlier examples in partioular were of elegant design, down perfeotly level i ground, presenting assort- oottage was fairly with a miscellaneous of orookery, yellow a blue i a i grain froni i laid oora was, of oourse, very bad Unionist, was returned, and his election is a a and willow a then, a now, a i in a typioal old interior, of that whereas on the dung-manured plots and the a i 134. new of Commons, which i serve i examples of a was to mineral-manured plota grain weighed 601b.

now completely constituted, consists of 334 Conser- found i i i 1 1 1 0 bomee of classes. bushel, average of all the other i a vatives, 63 Liberal Unionists, 186 Liberate a smaller farm-houses, a a a a were larger, certainly, and oontained more accommoda- rook, i a a assortment of fire-arms, a i rides homes a a a of highway- a any) of other orope of rotation a Criminal Court, before i Channell, and footpad necessitated a well-primed pistol i a a portion of a A a a was charged, as occupier of a age, oombined i smoke of wood and peat, a a large applications to i crop oannot a proceeded a i a facts did not consti- i a substantial a of good old place of appliaattans other an a against i Act. i a goodly service of Guilds, in name, wealth, a i i i charity use of metal Ji wss a old Black i i of last a proved of a a a value to four owt. of super- a a of the Church Assembly. 1 Wish in heAvea bis soul may dwell, That first found out tbe leather bottel." a a bowl, a was said bear a likeness to a i a a or bv Professors Somerville old toper, who, with rubiound faoe a qnai tapping i snuff-box.

Glaases jnamng his a is absolutely essential to beet a most a remanded prisoners. oak, roughly artistioally oarved these, i most suitable a a crop and, are those of Newcastle (1896). oarved boxes for family Bible, i now oom- a a i a basio slag as source (1897), David's (1897), Bristol a i a good prioee. more a of a we aooept preoedent. to stable to serve as oorn bins, whioh i is, in fact, a agricultural a and a the Bishops of also a referenoe to discarding of a i a a for a i oontrivanoe called a housee.

Possibly a old engraving, generally highly 28 years a of late field seriously Rev. Charles a died a ooloured and a a i of a religious a consti- deteriorated, a particle of. cloven or other fine i post, -battling i a i a cholera, five addi- tuted only a later, perhaps, a daguerro- a being a a in any a Of it. Aooord- tional workers, out of a volunteered, ication and other matters be taken In were, a a rule, uncommonly olever, i in his regiment in Africa, a when he returns to to help. I to mentioned a i oolour, oorrectly a to a block a beoame a indeed have been humble whiob did or more of those homely thinga of a a a i a of crop.

I is difficult to i on a a honoured sampler, in i was taught even a a a i yearn, aa even worked a by scientific agriculturists. teres ting, a i a a a i agriculturally and nationally. greater a of the surgical and nursing staffs a i i a orux of i is, how shall we have returned home or a a to so, half i GovernmeBC rtertMl! a possi rail ties whioh were unknown in young ladies on wharf on arrival of i production of production in many a sstooonvsrt a low into a profit, so why not in wheat a even in a olden i muoh birds. had some favourite Amerioan and a a tanare, sxoept a mantire, and a little nese geese, whioh fed i his own a a a a rarely i 2 a i a were found have a last hours of his illness these birds, i i i a i effect the growth, many entar- over 100, flew round his bed-room window, beating i i i i Irmly ase to presently i wings against the glass. They would fly of ooeree unsound strew oyer roof of house and all the time they a a a for a crop, a during birds i widely props- noe.

a by Wilson, Lawes, and a lot of smaller in their mischief a been done, a we all know, i is a feeding of and other stook on farm, i a supplies of soil will be a suffl- watch a till 10, 20. 30 meteors a i to sustain a increased a even of nitrogenous artifioial a -of so many meteors an hour. observer tbe leases or the current praotioes of the A few and Welling- find, a observant experimen- his work, oarefully recording boundaries which 2 a i from Norfolk, a should be ohosen mark limits of field is manures. season addition of 2owt. of phos- a and of i a of potash to 4 of a a increased crop by bushels over a where staying with a i talk a oake only a used.

I a instance on tobaooo. Professor confessed had a i i of 2cwt. of a to 4owt. of a been tbe slave of his pipe, had asserted hid in- a 1 7 bushels of a writes by a i a say a Cooke, a snob bald a of statistics an i renunciation. a i manuree end all plota whioh had these placidly self-righteous, a a was moody, oasss were i of straw, a were beaten gods, never again be oast out.

altogether suoh a i of ruin and disease and sach are likely to forget. quality of the indeed, a a proof of this i is only necessary to say gain i i a increasing long a Voeloker, in reporting on a i a a used together is to a She benefit is nitrogen alone i to i a alone, a to i action of i a a alone give little increase in races. defenoe was a muoh more a either separately." nf rotations. i a i Of phos- be a to prevent suoh competitions as were oon- acid oereal crops a as muoh a or ducted by a On same day, a of a a a i of crops position and role of rotation, a i show a it is much for defence said there would be no i on largest a by repeated appli- and said felt bound a a case a requested. cation of soluble fertilisers in 11 years.

a was bound over to come for judg- combinations of i pboephatic, and obtained by a i nitrogenous a in Church on Tuesday in i and passed a increased a a a i I mously agreed to. Essex field i on a i of a carried 643 27 votes. a a A owt. of basic slag has, as a rule, a and appointed Bannatyne, of Coulter, increase of beans and a (grain only) is 63 shillings, while slag oost 12s. Id." a univer- sally reepeoted a i a Dyer, F.O.S., a where uniting act was adopted aqd a does live on foregoing a i and, assuming this be a faot, i is a Glerkenwell-road.

a been a robberies proven faot a an -application of a to of this kind and several cheques had been a i i at profitable reeulta, i a a a i or i basio slag a S. Talbot, Bishop of jRoohester, carving on practice by whioh a is termed 'ooodition of a a Winchester, are always a i a AN AGRICULTURAL PROBLEM. A curious i i in a i is reported by our clover improved wonderfully a was fed off his will be i a curious prob- period of famine, i of a solution from scientific a i world. I is assistance to his friend a possible a i knowing i bailiff sowed olover With his oats, and a olover always thrives a of oereals this would aoooant was planted. again.

single-cylinder is a a room for and carefully dsnoe a Oobbam, was ift His 50th year. a investigation. special i a A Medical Board, a i took place a investigations a Quemados, a A a a a Socialist candidate, reports a is i probable a i by 53,896 votes, against 10.490 given QUOW fever i a a a a i a A i i i a i a a (Skncrut IMPERIAL YEOMANRY HOSPITAL. Britith Medical Journal a a I i a a Hospital will probably soon oome a momen- shortly be taken over military a i i situation great mass Of nurses sailing board a a a Britannic. hospital hss.

in faot, fulfilled with a a success objeot with whiob i was organised. A COLONIALS. i a a i a A i a will orowned with wreaths of maple leaves on their arrival home. 500 ladies a i senior Halifax Herald) will be asked eaoh to a a wreath of maple leaves, and a a will be a have the troop-ship; i will be of the ladies to crown soldiers a they from trooper. i will be a a grand speotaole.

A I STORY. A remarkable story is told of some birds I a Franois Stainer, of a a whioh were on a pool near hall. i of soda, A a about a i ago. and, strange to relate, i disappeared, a one of has been seen NOVEMBER METEORS. Maunder, writing in iys: Should Leonids revisit us in force eitherN may definite minutes, 10 minutes, or a a i or a i from a ohosen instant, a repeated observed, and time taken again.

result of observation in either case should given a a is recognised by will find i well select a definite portion of the assigns to i bright and well-known a A TOBACCO. Onoe a Professor a a a doubted, proceeded deeds. threw his pipes ORKNEY AND SHETLAND ELECTION. result of polling a a was declared on Tueeday. Waaon, i a a members, and 82 Irish Nationalists.

I a be added a to present election, and Shetland bad returned a Liberal ever sinoe 1837. "SPORTING LUCK." I Qpeen's Bench Division ef the i which plaintiff sought reoover damages proprietress of Sporting Luck for breach of con- tract in a of a share of a sum of £1000 plaintiff had in a ooupon and a had offioe in Lion-oourt, Fleet-street, with a a pleaded horse racing were oarried on a a a should ask his i to state a case I SCOTCH CHURCHES. general assembly of Church of In the I assembly i behalf of a in i ministers and other oession from i respective halls a ohurohes were declared to be one under desig- Dr. a i waa elected Moderator of i Assembly HOW LETTER-BOXES ARE ROBBED. i a i and William Tavernxr Detective-sergeant a door of premises in question, in occupa- a it.

a had in his possession two. OUR LORDS SPIRITUAL, the reeignation of 'Dr. Biokersteth, i of becomes entitled to a seat in of of a one time. Archbishops pf MISSIONARY HEROISM. I i a famine called some splendid examples of aelf-denving heroism.

In the Bhil of the fields in oountry, where the a i was a i i a though happily have died. A onoe six 8 A of i i I a i presses for a son, Foss Weetoott, gave six weeks of valued body of i a a a a a on a trieyole fitted with a engine of i a eight-horee power, a i a i a i i elsotion of a of a i a for i constituency of Berlin, formerly repre- 1116 reoorded for i of Clenoala..

The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)


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