Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (2024)

Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (1)

David, Psychometric Testing Expert atJobTestPrep.

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What Is A Virtual Job Tryout?

The Virtual Job Tryout Assessment (VJT) utilizes predictive modeling to evaluate a candidate's job performance. The assessment presents job-specific scenarios, dilemmas, and questions, as well as general personality questionnaires, to estimate how well candidates are likely to perform in the job. This gives employers an idea of a candidate's potential job performance.

This type of test is used in the hiring process of companies such as, and many more leading organizations. To prepare for the assessment tests of all these companies, get our General VJT Preparation Pack.

The Virtual Job Tryout includes several sub-tests, each of which addresses a different aspect of the work you are applying for. The length of each section can vary as the questions are job-specific. Candidates in the education field might encounter more text and excerpt-related questions, while banking-related candidates might encounter more analysis multiple-choice questions.

⏰ The VJT online assessment tests are untimed, and the system will show you the approximate time needed to finish every section before you start it. However, if you answer the questions too slowly, it could negatively affect your score, so it is recommended to take it well-prepared and answer relatively quickly.

Pass The VJT Assessment With Our Prep Course!

To excel in the Virtual Job Tryout Assessments, it's essential to understand their format and difficulty, and practice in conditions similar to the actual test.

Our immersive prep course is designed to help you master any of the VJT assessments, covering key sections like "Tell Us Your Story," "Handle Work Challenges," and "Describe Your Approach." It includes practice tests, detailed explanations, and score reports to help you identify areas for improvement.

For only 79$, our course will boost your confidence and performance, ensuring you stand out in the competitive job market!

See What Our Prep Looks Like

Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (2)

What Questions Should You Expect in Virtual Job Tryouts?

In general, Virtual Job Tryout questions are designed to assess your ability to handle potential work situations, your motivation for the job, and your personal characteristics.While the particular tests you encounter vary based on the job you are applying for, the following are some of the most frequently asked questions:

1. Situational Judgment Questions

These are the most common questions in VJTs, as they assess your ability to respond appropriately to work-related scenarios. Questions may describe different scenarios and focus on various job aspects depending on the position and company you apply for since each position requires unique capabilities.

For Example, this question tests manager/leadership tendencies:

John is a well-respected manager in the firm. He has a lot of experience and has been with the organization for a long time. Unfortunately, John was recently caught taking refreshments from the snack bar without paying for them. He was warned that he could be dismissed if he continued to behave in this manner. However, someone noticed John getting more refreshments from the snack bar last week before heading home.

What would you do in this situation?

Fire John because he stole from the company

Give John another warning and inform him that if his behavior persists, he will be fired

Since John is a well respected and skilled employee, it is best not to intervene

Demand John pays for the refreshment he was seen taking

Talk to John and clarify why it's critical for him to follow company policy and to stop taking refreshments without paying for them

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

This situation is designed to measure your integrity and ownership.

In this situation, one of the managers was dishonest for an extended period, violating the company's policy. Therefore, it is best to respond with an active action, however not too drastic, as he is a senior manager.

The best option is answer B. In this option, you take an active step to ensure that this behavior will not continue, indicating that the integrity of the employees is of the highest value. The fact that John is a respected manager should not prevent you from dealing with his actions. On the contrary, a manager should set an example for the other workers, making it even more important to address his behavior and clarify the consequences of his acts.

Let’s review the other options separately:

Answer (A): Firing the manager is a severe disciplinary action. It shows that you are not willing to compromise on the integrity of your employees, but at the same time, it might be too drastic. John was warned that he might be fired, so it seems reasonable to give him another opportunity before termination, especially since he is valued. In addition, it might be somewhat exaggerated to define the manager’s actions as “stealing.” For these reasons, answer B seems better than A.

Answer (C): This response is the equivalent of doing nothing, which is rarely the correct answer in SJT questions. It is always recommended to choose answers that involve your active decision unless all active actions are causing more harm than good (which is rarely the case). By selecting this response, you indicate that you do not see the severity of the manager’s actions and do not believe that integrity is a critical component in a workplace. Furthermore, it shows little ownership of what is happening around you in the company. P&G is looking for people who accept accountability and treat the company’s assets astheir own.

Answer (D): Making John pay for the refreshments will not ensure that he will refrain from his actions in the future. By giving this punishment, you acknowledge that there has been a violation of trust, and you offer John a way to take accountability for his actions. However, it may imply that these actions are forgiven as long as you pay, so it does not address the central issue of violating the confidence that was given to you.

Answer (E): By talking to John and explaining why he should stop acting the way he does, you respect the company's values and want to do the right thing. It is positive to use your communication skills to try and persuade the manager to change his ways. Still, it might not work as he is well aware that his behavior is problematic and is against company policy. For this reason, it is not the best option even though it has positive aspects.

Other questions can assess your ability to handle work-related conflicts. For example:

Henry is working on a significant company project. He puts in long hours and makes crucial progress. In the team meeting, Anne, Henry’s boss, asks him to work on a new project, saying it is more vital. Henry realizes that the new project will take most of his time.

How would you most likely handle this situation if you were in Henry’s place?

You would talk to Anne and tell her that you reached a critical point in your project, and you think it would be best if someone else could take on the new project

You would explain that your project is at a crucial stage and that you think that it is preferable if work on it proceeds, even though the second project should start too

You would make sure Anne understands this change's influence on your current project before you start working on the new one

You would understand that the new project is probably more critical for the company than your current one, so you would set aside your present tasks and start working on the new project

You would want to make sure that you could efficiently return to work on your current project when time permits, so you would request a short time frame to record the details of your project and then start your new one.

Correct Answer

Incorrect Answer

The situation was designed to measure yourorganizationalthinkingandownership.

In this situation, you encounter a conflict between the need to work on your project and the company’s need to start another project with a higher priority.

The best option is answer E.In this option, you show ownership of your project by ensuring that you will be able to continue your work efficiently. In addition, youunderstand the bigger pictureand the organization's needs, so you agree to the transition. Nevertheless, you areactivein finding a way to secure the success of your former project, and youstrategically planyour work.

Let’sview the other optionsseparately:

Answer (A):You show care and responsibility for your project, but you donotadaptto the organization’s priorities. You don’t make an effort to find a solution that will enable you to step up and help the company’s vital tasks.It might seem as if you only care about your projectswithout considering the company's needs.

Answer (B):In this response, you show that you understand the company's interests and explain the importance of your current project. You comprehend the situation's complexity, but you do not actively find a solution to enable both projects to continue like option E.

Answer (C):You communicate the difficulty of leaving your current project before taking the new one. This act shows your commitment to your project, and it also shows you can adapt to new circ*mstances. However, it is more passive than option E. You do not actively take ownership of your work and pass the responsibility to your manager.

Answer (D): You agree unconditionally to start working on the new project. You demonstrate organizational understanding by placing the company’s needs as a top priority, but you lack independent critical thinking and accountability. Note that your project was not canceled, so it is up to you to make sure that the progress you have made will not be impaired.

2. Ranking Activities Test

This sub-test aims to measure your work style and ability to prioritize. You will need to review four tasks that are typical in the job you applied for, decide how urgent they are, and rank the order in which you would handle them (from 1 to 4).

3. Data Analysis Test

This sub-test is very common for managerial or analyst roles and is designed to measure your ability to process and analyze data. In the data analysis test, you will be asked questions about data presented in graphs or tables.

For other positions, you may be given tests that simulate the same type of tasks you will be required to perform on the job, such as comparing subscriptions and medication specifications (CVS Pharmacists).

4.Tell Us Your Story

A questionnaire designed to learn more about your previous work experience, education, and personal preferences.

5. Motivational Questionnaires/ "What Drives You"

These questionnaires assess your motivation for the job, andyour preferred preferred work environment and approach to work.

For example, it may look like this:

I would like to work where:

  1. I enjoy arriving at work every morning
  2. The pharmacy’s staff is excellent and supportive

Click Here For The Answer

The preferred answer is “I enjoy arriving at work every morning,” since it focuses on “Joy” which is an intrinsic motivation source, while the other option deals with your tendency to rely on others.

6.Personality Test

This central part of the VJT assesses personality traits that relate to your suitability for the job and the organization as a whole. Similar to other personality tests, on these virtual job tryout questions you will usually see two statements from which you must choose which is most like you.

Feel Like You're Not Ready Yet?

Luckily, we have created a VJT PrepPack that includes dozens of practice questions and tailored study guides. This will help you enhance your skills, identify your strengths, and pinpoint your areas for improvement!

CVS Virtual Job Tryout

TheCVS Virtual Job Tryoutis used to select candidates for anyone who is applying for cashier/store associate, pharmacist, pharmacy technician, store manager, and other positions. The CVS VJT takes between 40-60 minutes, depending on the position you apply for. The type of questions you can expect are slightly different for each position:

CVS Pharmacist VJT

  • Work with Customers & Colleagues - SJT, 8 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Ensure Quality - Attention to detail test, 12 questions, 13 minute time limit
  • What Drives You - work environment questionnaire, 25 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 31 questions, 4 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 109 questions, 11 minute time limit

CVS Pharmacy Technician VJT

  • Work with Customers & Colleagues - SJT, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Ensure Quality - Attention to detail test, 5 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • What Drives You - work environment questionnaire, 28 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 31 questions, 4 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 109 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Fill Prescriptions - Data analysis test - 7 questions, 4 minute time limit

CVS Cashier VJT

  • Work with Customers & Colleagues - SJT, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • What Drives You - work environment questionnaire, 28 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 31 questions, 4 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 109 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Check Your Inventory - Attention to detail test - 6 questions, 4 minute time limit

CVS Store Manager VJT

  • Work with Customers & Colleagues - SJT, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • What Drives You - work environment questionnaire, 28 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 31 questions, 4 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 109 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Manage Your Day - ranking activities, 3 questions, 6 minute time limit

Walmart Shaker Assessment

As the world's biggest employer, Walmart processes thousands of daily applicants for a wide variety of positions. This is why the Walmart hiring process is one of the most competitive ones out there, and the Walmart Shaker assessment is the most central and challenging part of the application process.

Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (3) Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (4)

walmart shaker assessment video

Walmart uses a variety of assessments in its recruitment process. Since each Walmart assessment includes different Virtual Job Tryout assessment sub-tests, we highly recommend checking out our dedicated pages for the most accurate info, practice tests, and free practice questions:

    • hourly Positions-the Retail Associate Assessment (RAA)
    • Team Leaders-Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA)
    • Supervisory Positions-Supervisor Employment Assessment (SEA)
    • Management Positions- Manager Employment Assessment (MEA)
    • Technical, Administrative, and OperativePositions- Supply Chain Associate (SCA)

USPS Virtual Entry Assessments

As of April 2019, the USPSadded four exams to their application process, named USPS Virtual Entry Assessments (aka VJTs), which replaced the old Postal Exam 473. Although the passing score for the USPS VJTs is 70, the USPS ranks candidates by their test scores - meaning you will need to not only pass the test but achieve a high score to be considered a top candidate.

The internet is full of 473 Postal Exam practices that are outdated. Make sure you practice with new and accurate study materials

*Note: it is highly recommended that you take the exam on your computer rather than your smartphone to avoid technical issues.

Here's a short video that dives into this test:

Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (5) Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (6)

usps virtual entry assessments video

USPS Virtual Entry Assessment Versions

USPS Virtual Entry Assessment MC (474) -used for Mail Carrier jobs.

USPS 474 Test Sections

  • Work Scenarios - Situational Judgement Test, 9 questions, 7 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 20 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - Personality questionnaire, 56 questions, 6 minute time limit

USPS Virtual Entry Assessment MH (475) -used for Mail Handler or Mail Handler assistant jobs.

USPS 475 Test Sections

  • Work Scenarios - Situational Judgement Test, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Check For Errors - Attention to detail test, 12 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 22 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - Personality questionnaire, 79 questions, 8 minute time limit

USPS Virtual Entry Assessment MP (476) -used in the screening process for many roles, including those for Mail Processing Clerk, PSE Mail Processing Clerk, Casual Mail Processing Clerk, Data Conversion Operator, PSE Data Conversion Operator, and Casual Data Conversion Operator.

The USPS 476 Test Sections

  • Work Scenarios - Situational Judgement Test, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Check For Errors - Attention to detail test, 12 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 22 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - Personality questionnaire, 79 questions, 8 minute time limit

USPS Virtual Entry Assessment CS (477) -used to evaluate candidates interested in the following USPS roles: Sales Service & Distribution Associate, PSE Sales Service & Distribution Associate, and Casual Sales Service & Distribution Associate.

The USPS 477 Test Sections

  • Work Scenarios - Situational Judgement Test, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Work Your Register - Cash Handling test, 3 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 21 questions, 2 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - Personality questionnaire, 56 questions, 6 minute time limit

Virtual Job Tryouts present many pitfalls that could mean you miss out on the job you're after. Luckily, with accurate preparation, you can learn how to avoid the pitfalls and give the best representation of your skills through your VJT answers.

Learn more about how you can maximize your chances of passing the USPS VJT with our specialized preparation packs:474|475|476|477

Delta Virtual Job Tryout

Delta use a virtual job tryout to assess candidates for customer facing positions, such as flight attendants and customer success representatives. The six parts of the Delta VJT are:

  • Handle Work Challenges -situational judgement test based on common flight scenarios.
  • Serve Your Passengers -measures your logistical abilities through questions regarding seating, food distribution etc.
  • Understand Passengers -measures your empathy in detecting emotions. You will listen to recordings, and try to understand what emotions are on display.
  • Tell Us Your Story -expect to be asked about your reasons for pursuing a career with Delta.
  • Recall Passenger Needs -in this memory test you will be asked to recall details from the third section.
  • Describe Your Approach -this section measures your work style through a pair of statements from which you will need to decide which best describes you.

Practice Delta VJT Simulations

To pass the Delta VJT, you need to demonstrate the key values that Delta seeks in its flight attendant candidates. To help you prepare, our team has created custom practice simulations for each section of the Delta VJT, which will guide you in showcasing Delta's core values in your responses to questions and work scenarios.

  • Simulations of each of the Delta VJT sections, mirroring the exact test format.
  • Detailed feedback and answers based on the qualities and values that Delta seeks in its candidates.
  • Study guides for answering "Tell us your story" and "Describe your approach".

Learn More about the Delta Flight Attendant VJT

Bank of America Virtual Job Tryout

Bank of America uses Virtual Job Tryouts in the application process for three major positions: Client Service Positions, Relationship Banker, and Relationship Manager.

Our experts are still working on BOA’s virtual job tryout PrepPacks (stay tuned), but these are the major VJTs that Bank of America uses:

Client\Service Positions -Bank of America uses a specified Virtual Job Tryout assessment for most client-related positions. That includes customer service representatives or specialists, relationship specialists, and SB service positions (card core, depositing servicing, priority services, etc.).

This type of VJT is also used as the “Universal Fit Assessment” of Bank of America, so if you are asked to complete the Universal Fit Assessment - this is the test you’ll get.

  • Work with Customers - SJT, 9 questions, 11 minute time limit
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 20 questions, 3 minute time limit
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 48 questions, 5 minute time limit
  • Navigating Computer Systems -Data analysis, 9 questions, no time limit
  • Handle Customer Calls - Multitasking test, 2 questions, 3 minutes.

Relationship Banker -As a Relationship Banker, you’ll be responsible for introducing and processing various banking choices for your clients.

  • Build Relationships - SJT, 10 questions, 10 minutes
  • Identify Client Opportunities - Data analysis, 7 questions, 7 minutes
  • Process Cash Transactions - Cash handling, 3 questions, 5 minutes
  • Manage Your Time - Ranking activities, 3 questions, 2 minutes
  • Tell Us Your Story - Biodata, 22 questions, 3 minutes
  • Describe Your Approach - personality questionnaire, 47 questions, 5 minutes

Pass Any of the VJT Assessments With Our Prep Course

To succeed in Virtual Job Tryout Assessments, you have to understand their format and difficulty, and practice under real-life conditions.

To help you master the Bank of America VJT assessment, we offer an immersive prep course that covers sections such as "Tell Us Your Story," "Handle Work Challenges," and "Describe Your Approach." The course consists of practice tests, detailed explanations, and score reports.

Other Companies That Use the VJTs

Many other employers use Virtual Job Tryouts in their application process to assess candidates, like Sutherland, Capital One, Comcast, Wells Fargo, Quicken Loans, AT&T, Kimberly Clark, and more. We're currently working on creating accurate PrepPacks™ for these assessments. We expect to launch it in the coming months.

For more information regarding your upcoming virtual job tryout and the preparation opportunities offered by JobTestPrep, please contact us at

Personality Test Samples

VJTs are often given along with personality questionnaires. Below are free samples for some of the most common personality assessments:

Free Caliper Personality Test

Free Hogan Test

Free PI Behavioral Test Guide

Free Korn Ferry Assessment Questions

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Virtual Job Tryout Preparation: Practice Questions & Tips 2024 (2024)


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