Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (2024)

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      SabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular

      May 20 edited May 20

      Hurt my lower back on the way back from Japan last week, so I've been trying playing FFXIV on my PS5 for a bit so I don't need to use a chair. Then suddenly noticed that it saves screenshots in 3,840px × 2,160px despite my monitor only being 1080p.

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (2)

      SabreMau on


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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 20 edited May 20

      if the PvP-style condensing of combo buttons was a mistranslation, that was a pretty big mistranslation and I'm surprised SE social media hasn't been out there correcting it

      BahamutZERO on

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (4)


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      admanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular

      May 20

      bold of you to assume SE pays anyone to pay attention to anything that's said outside of Japan

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 20

      yes, SE is a big dumb company, but 14's PR team specifically does a decent job and is generally at least vaguely aware of what the english language player community is buzzing about.

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (7)

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      Fig-D Tustin, CA, USRegistered User regular

      May 20

      In their eyes, there's probably nothing to correct. I didn't have the sound on during the live letter since I was at work, but the PvP-style button thing didn't come from official translations, right?

      SteamID - Fig-D :: PSN - Fig-D

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      admanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular

      May 20

      Fig-D wrote:

      In their eyes, there's probably nothing to correct. I didn't have the sound on during the live letter since I was at work, but the PvP-style button thing didn't come from official translations, right?

      yeah it came from a pretty reasonable interpretation of the text on the official slides

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      Delzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular

      May 20

      The reason I don't think we're getting pvp combos is that not that many jobs have simple 1-2-3 combos in regular content. At least I don't think so? None of the jobs I play with any frequency do: Dragoon, ninja, dancer, red mage, warrior...

      Hmm. Is Dragoon's AOE combo a 1-2-3? It might be. But all the single target combos I can think of fork somewhere. Dragoon forks after 1, warrior and Ninja fork after 2...

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 20

      there's a bunch of jobs that have 1-2-3s. gunbreaker, paladin, dark knight, red mage, machinist, now pictomancer. not that it matters, I use ffcombo and it does forked combso just fine.

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      Wyvern Registered User regular

      May 20

      Delzhand wrote: »

      The reason I don't think we're getting pvp combos is that not that many jobs have simple 1-2-3 combos in regular content. At least I don't think so? None of the jobs I play with any frequency do: Dragoon, ninja, dancer, red mage, warrior...

      Hmm. Is Dragoon's AOE combo a 1-2-3? It might be. But all the single target combos I can think of fork somewhere. Dragoon forks after 1, warrior and Ninja fork after 2...

      Dragoon is not a great counterfactual here. They have two linear, alternating combos. That could easily be two buttons instead of seven. I think every class with an alternate 3 or an alternate 2-3 could be condensed to two buttons at most because there are usually only two combo paths you ever use. Monks are all over the place in their combo paths, but even then you could engineer a two-button solution that keeps all the same decision-making.

      Bard is my ideal class for filler GCDs, I think. One button, plus a second button for a proc which actually requires some modicum of skill and attention to recognize and use optimally. I like the feel of Red Mage too but it's probably too many buttons to do comfortably on a controller.

      Switch: SW-2431-2728-9604 || 3DS: 0817-4948-1650

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      Just_Bri_Thanks Seething with rage from a handbasket.Registered User, ClubPA regular

      May 20

      I pretty much save 123 on all my hot bar setups for three hit combos

      ...and when you are done with that; take a folding
      chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.


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      Kevin Crist I make the devil hit his knees and say the 'our father'Registered User regular

      May 22

      Since I went through 5.0 and 6.0 MSQs as Dark Knight, I figured I might do 7.0 as a White or Black Mage.

      Minthara works as a White Mage since she decides who lives and who dies, plus you know she can kill with a Glare. Black Mage is more funny given her opinion on wizards in BG3.

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (16)
      Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 22

      I'm finishing up a few things before DT, getting a yokai weapon a day isn't too bad but getting to the fierce tyrant gear in pvp? woof.

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 22

      starting the fierce tyrant coffer grind from scratch at this point is gonna be a slog for sure

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (19)

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 22

      I also need to finish FF9, because there has to be some references to it in dawntrail

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      Badablack Registered User regular

      May 22

      FF9 is itself already made up of references to other final fantasies, so it's gonna be references all the way down.

      FC: 1435-5383-0883

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      Fig-D Tustin, CA, USRegistered User regular

      May 22

      True, but it's all very charming. I love FF9, even if getting into combat is slow and the final few areas are a slog (but that's true of basically every mainline game).

      SteamID - Fig-D :: PSN - Fig-D

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      Badablack Registered User regular

      May 22

      The best parts of FF9 are all the calm relaxing town areas.

      Give me a shot for shot remake of the little FF9 village at the start in dawntrail.

      FC: 1435-5383-0883

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 25

      man I do not want to do endwalker pvp. it's terrible and the balancing is a joke.

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25

      Jars wrote: »

      man I do not want to do endwalker pvp. it's terrible and the balancing is a joke.

      Frontlines or CC? Frontlines is massively RNG basically because theres too many people.

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 25

      nope, I witnessed first hand what a small group of broken jobs can do. they'd literally one shot 7-8 people at a time with 3 people because drk and drg are f*cking broken. They were on my team and it still pissed me off.

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25

      Jars wrote: »

      nope, I witnessed first hand what a small group of broken jobs can do. they'd literally one shot 7-8 people at a time with 3 people because drk and drg are f*cking broken. They were on my team and it still pissed me off.

      Part of it is that battle high is too powerful, so a dedicated small group farming kills with stacking LBs quickly becomes unstoppable. I think the survivability increase is far too much in particular.

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy


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      Skeith Registered User regular

      May 25

      Badablack wrote: »

      The best parts of FF9 are all the calm relaxing town areas.

      Give me a shot for shot remake of the little FF9 village at the start in dawntrail.

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (29)

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (30)

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (31)

      Excuse the JP titles

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (32)

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 25

      in wierder news I got this ad on youtube

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (34)

      reminds me of that billboard


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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 25

      Jars wrote: »

      nope, I witnessed first hand what a small group of broken jobs can do. they'd literally one shot 7-8 people at a time with 3 people because drk and drg are f*cking broken. They were on my team and it still pissed me off.

      yeah you can stack the odds in frontlines, the RNG is whether you end up on their team or not :P

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (36)

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25 edited May 25

      You know, I actually wonder what the rarest title is. (Not counting ones that aren't available anymore, at least - I'm sure the Firmament ones are up there)

      Polaritie on

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 25

      The rarest title is the "The Accursed" for opening 20,000 accursed hoard bags from palace of the dead, followed by "The Alpha Wolf" for doing 5000 matches of feast/crystalline conflict, then the title "The Luckiest of Ladies/Lords" for reaching the bottom floor of the treasure map dungeons you can only reach with extra double rare treasure maps found INSIDE of the normal level cap stormblood treasure map dungeons 20 times.

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (39)

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25

      Wait, is there actually a way to see that somewhere, or did SE just compile it once?

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 25 edited May 25

      there's a fansite that scrapes data off the lodestone character profiles:

      BahamutZERO on

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (42)

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      reVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular

      May 25

      Polaritie wrote: »

      You know, I actually wonder what the rarest title is. (Not counting ones that aren't available anymore, at least - I'm sure the Firmament ones are up there)

      According to Lalachievements, it's The Accursed (discover 20,000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard).

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25 edited May 25

      Interesting. That site puts The Alpha Legend at only the 193rd rarest title (unsurprisingly, the older ultimates have more clears). Which puts that at far from the claim, for sure. (And while most of the rarest achievements are long haul collection deals... especially PvP ones... beating Aloalo Island Savage is at 128)

      Polaritie on

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy

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      Donnicton Registered User regular

      May 25

      Pretty surprising to see EO solo is very slightly more rare than Necromancer considering the reputation that EO is "easier" than PotD, you'd figure there'd be some amount more overall clears by now.

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      Polaritie Sleepy Registered User regular

      May 25

      Orthos is significantly newer. Also, it has some really mean enemy mechanics that are instant death if you fail.

      Steam: Polaritie
      3DS: 0473-8507-2652
      Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
      PSN: AbEntropy

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      Jars Registered User regular

      May 25

      the funny thing about pvp is I keep winning! and I still don't want to do it!! I've won 9 out of 15 frontlines

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      Badablack Registered User regular

      May 25

      I wish they'd swap some of those pvp skills over to pve, there's some actual creative design going on over there.

      FC: 1435-5383-0883


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      gavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular

      May 26

      I've ground up a bit over 1 million MGP with the Make It Rain + moogle tomestones. The Leap of Faiths have fallen before me. Might be going slightly mad though.

      Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 26

      enjoy your mount or cloud triple triad card or whatever!

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (51)

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      Didgeridoo Flighty Dame Registered User regular

      May 30

      Some updated info on the promotional site!

      There’s a bit of lore about the 2 new jobs and some more info about the field operation and the crafting/gathering zone. I am very hype about the lopporrit ‘restoration’, gathering is so zen

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      BahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod

      May 30

      huh I wonder if they're gonna add moon housing

      Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (54)

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      Delzhand Hard to miss. Registered User regular

      May 30

      Exciting to see some new faces in the key art! The spectacled miqote is new, as is the hyur lady at the top. Wuk Lamat and the heroic-looking mamool ja getting front and center billing over the WoL is neat, too.

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      Fig-D Tustin, CA, USRegistered User regular

      May 30

      The raid sounds like it could be a shonen tournament arc.

      I wish I was good/dedicated enough to do the Ultimate. Maybe this will be the expansion I find a static for harder content. I've had a set schedule since Endwalker, I just need to get over the anxiety part.

      SteamID - Fig-D :: PSN - Fig-D



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    Final Fantasy 14 thread: Dawntrail June 28th. Please mark story spoilers! - Page 28 (2024)


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